The remnants of his tent lay scattered about the sand, a testament to the power of the Chicom 82mm mortar rounds that had impacted, taking Billings' life with them. by James Strauss | Jan 11, 2017 | Second Ten Days, Second Ten Days Paid | 204 Comments. All the while it’s like the account hurts me but at the same time I think it helps me heal from my own personal demons. Sad to say, the same thing happens today as well. The company had no equipment for crossing any stretch of water that I knew of, and since the NVA had gotten a full blown battle tank down the river, or some road paralleling it, the likelihood of a U.S. Navy Seabee unit... by James Strauss | Apr 26, 2017 | Second Ten Days, Second Ten Days Paid | 143 Comments. Thanks for sharing. We could not get to the end of the bridge without being carried down past the tank into the rapids below that led deep into enemy held territory unless Kilo Company had... by James Strauss | Jul 17, 2017 | Second Ten Days | 252 Comments. 30 days has September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one, Except February the only one Which Leap Years change each fourth time From twenty-eight to twenty-nine. We were too close for the tracers to begin to light up from this one, and not far enough away to... by James Strauss | Apr 16, 2017 | Second Ten Days, Second Ten Days Paid | 151 Comments. There was no question that I needed a plan. I hugged the edge of the tank’s right tread, the... by James Strauss | May 12, 2017 | Second Ten Days, Second Ten Days Paid | 195 Comments. A coppery tasting mess of cloying sweet aroma that was invisible, yet overwhelmed every other sense. Thirty Days Hath September Harmonica Tablature ⋆ Harmonica Guide & Tabs Online: By: Sid Jacobson, Jimmy Krondes Key: Bb -3* 4 -5 5 -5 -5* 4 Thir-ty days I wondered, struggling to gain footholds against unstable rocks under the mud if the whole side of the mountain wouldn’t... by James Strauss | Mar 8, 2017 | Second Ten Days, Second Ten Days Paid | 235 Comments. The Gunny left me with my watery coffee, squatting in the soft-glistening dark.

The wait through the rest of the night was wet, dark and conducted mostly under my poncho. Only Billings’ bloody poncho survived, along with some items from... by James Strauss | Feb 12, 2017 | Second Ten Days, Second Ten Days Paid | 86 Comments. I lay in my hooch, dug into the side of the hill through the effort of using Fusner’s entrenching tool. His features remained as impassive as ever in the face of our dire situation. The sound of Stevens' body being wrapped inside a slippery wet poncho to be left, like that of the others, along both sides of... by James Strauss | Aug 25, 2017 | Second Ten Days | 225 Comments. There was no recoil as the Browning fired. Comment from reader Bob Stephenson, At Bottom of each Episode,there is a  NEXT Button >>>, by James Strauss | Jan 8, 2017 | Second Ten Days, Second Ten Days Paid | 148 Comments. I ate ham and lima beans while the mosquitos ate me. I’d made a deal with the devil to get back a dead body which went against all logic but for no good reason I could think of made a strange sense to... by James Strauss | Jul 2, 2017 | Second Ten Days | 147 Comments. Menu and widgets February has twenty-eight, but leap year coming one in four February then has one day more. We share Hamornica Tabs for Free – Our goal is to have a website where everyone can find and share all of their Harmonica Tabs in one central location. Our return to the company was without incident, although Casey would not shut up. There was nothing more to be said to Captain Carter, so I handed the handset back to Fusner. The Sandys came sweeping down the river, obliterating all other sound, the roar of their engines and propellers lifting my spirits in spite of my being trapped at the tank with a dead good kid and a living bad noncom. I walked in the lead... by James Strauss | Feb 9, 2017 | Second Ten Days, Second Ten Days Paid | 165 Comments. The hike to where the objective was supposed to be, that Sugar Daddy’s forward reconnaissance team said wasn’t there, was one of overwhelming fatigue and staggering inattentiveness. The area wasn’t that large, having hardly the footprint of an average small home back in the real world. -3* 4 -5 5 -5 -5* 4 Thir-ty days hath Sep-tem-ber 4 -3* -3 -3* 4 -55 -3* Ap-ril, June and No-vem-ber.