No other candidate raised that much money in their first 72 days.The initial $25,000 is relatively easy — Elections Canada allows candidates to donate that much of their own money to their leadership campaign. We show photos that indicate race, and no one is hiding gender, so those are red herrings.I don't have time to do this at the moment but in the opinion polling charts, Clement, MacKay, and Kenney should be removed and moved into the other category.It should be made quite clear that the "latest" poll is of SECOND choices with Oleary eliminated. I know some people are triggered when they see the word "gun" (no pun intended), but that is not a valid reason to censor the article. Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted.By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. What to do?I'm fine with removing the infobox for now, as long as we put it back after the election, with the top candidates.

Has anyone found one?Likewise...the mainstream media has given very little detail. Federally, firearm laws are an issue, and should be mentioned. In the 2013 Liberal leadership race won by Justin Trudeau, about 294,000 Canadians were eligible to vote.

With the exception of Alberta, those are provinces that traditionally have had fewer Conservative members.The riding that reported the highest growth in Conservative membership was Surrey–Newton in British Columbia.

The Charter also doesn't prevent us from listing age as Wikipedia is not an institution of the federal government and the Charter only applies to government.
Right now - as per the party's website - only Bernier, Leitch, Chong and Clement are official candidates.

Brad holds degrees in economics and geophysics from University of Saskatchewan and he was an exploration geophysicist – a prospector – prior to running for office. Is there an alert function I am missing?

The colours would be useful in case we want to make a map of the results.

),Folks, these are my edits!

As chair of that committee I always found Brad to be a voice of reason who worked well with members of all parties to ensure we all did good work.Brad also served on both the Standing Committee on International Trade and the Standing Committee on Industry. If the Charter was relevant than various newspapers in Canada, as well a the CBC, could be prosecuted for habitually listing the age of peopele who are subjects of news articles. Exhibits exceptional integrity and who will demonstrate and expect the highest standard of behavior from his team; I have restored that for the sake of consistency and because having the ages there has been the status quo for some time and thus their removal should be discussed. Unlike the Conservatives and New Democrats, however, the Liberals did not require Canadians to pay any fee to be eligible to vote.The Conservatives said they've seen their largest percentage growth in membership in Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Alberta. To donate online click on the button below or, if you prefer would like to donate by mail, click here to download a donation form and follow the instructions,Do we really need all those 'grades' from the gun lobbyist group?

Leadership candidates participate in the Conservative Party French language leadership debate, Tuesday, January 17, 2017 in Quebec City. This leaves us with 5 candidates at the moment.

Others that saw significant growth include a few in the Greater Toronto Area and around Montreal — including Trudeau's own riding of Papineau.The party says that over 100 ridings have more than 1,000 party members now. I see this as confusing. Mr Scheer is not supported by the CLC as stated on his CLC profile at.I was wondering if the article should distinguish between those who are official candidates and those who have announced they are running? Jump to navigation Jump to search. After listing 14 names on the ballot during its last leadership race, the Conservative Party seems to be on track for a more intimate affair this time around.The party has set the bar quite high for prospective candidates — so high that nearly all of 2017's contestants would have failed to qualify for the current race.The leadership contest that chose Andrew Scheer in May 2017 was an unwieldy beast.