148A. (4)At a first diet the court may ask the prosecutor and the accused any question in connection with any matter which it is required to ascertain or consider under subsection (1) or (2) above. Community service orders: persons residing in Northern Ireland. 97A.Submissions as to sufficiency of evidence, 97B.Acquittals etc. Community service orders: rules, annual report and interpretation. 4. where the appellant is on bail and the sentence imposed on his conviction is one of imprisonment, grant a warrant to apprehend and imprison him. . (1) The Commission shall— (a) keep proper accounts and proper... 10.For the purposes of this Schedule the Commission’s financial year... 11.The Secretary of State shall defray the expenses of the... 1.. . Subject to subsection (6C) above, the court may, if it considers it appropriate to do so, adjourn a preliminary diet. 17A. You did drive a motor car recklessly contrary to section... You did act as a pedlar without having obtained a... You did travel in a railway carriage without having previously... having on within the house No. Compensation order against convicted person. Extension of power of courts in England and Wales. Subject to subsection (8) above, the court may, if it considers it appropriate to do so, adjourn a first diet. 256. In section 3 of the [1825 c. (a)commences when the diet is called; and, (ii)makes an order under subsection (2) of section 375ZC of this Act; or. After section 451 of that Act there shall be inserted the following section—, Quorum of High Court in relation to appeals. 9A.Competence of justice's actings outwith jurisdiction. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Community service orders: amendment and revocation etc. where the diet has not been called, to convene the court and adjourn the diet; where the diet has been called but no evidence has been led, to adjourn the diet; and, where the diet has been called and evidence has been led—, with the agreement of the parties, to desert the diet pro loco et tempore; or. In subsection (1), at the beginning there shall be inserted “Subject to subsection (1A) below,”. 145A.Adjournment at first calling to allow accused to appear etc. Consideration whether to grant leave to appeal under subsection (1) or (4) above shall take place in chambers without the parties being present. (5)After section 442 of that Act there shall be inserted the following section—, (1)The decision whether to grant leave to appeal for the purposes of section 442(1)(a)(i) or (iii) of this Act shall be made by a judge of the High Court who shall—, (a)the stated case lodged under subsection (4) of section 448 of this Act; and. (2)After subsection (2) of section 388 of that Act (commission of further offence while on probation) there shall be inserted the following subsections—, (a)a court has, under section 384(5A) of this Act, included in a probation order a requirement that an offender shall perform unpaid work; and, (3)After section 5 of the [1978 c. with the authority of an officer of a rank no lower than inspector, take from the person any sample mentioned in any of paragraphs (a) to (d) of subsection (4) of section 28 of this Act by the means specified in that paragraph in relation to that sample. For the purpose of hearing and determining appeals under section 442(1)(a)(ii) or (iia) of this Act, or any proceeding connected therewith, two of the Lords Commissioners of Justiciary shall be a quorum of the High Court, and each judge shall be entitled to pronounce a separate opinion; but where the two Lords Commissioners of Justiciary are unable to reach agreement on the disposal of the appeal, or where they consider it appropriate, the appeal shall be heard and determined in accordance with subsection (1) above. (2)The documents referred to in subsection (1) above are—.