What I found, and I spent many, many days battling at the CIRB, was that when employers found out about a certification drive, many of them would interfere with their members' constitutional rights and fire and discipline and intimidate employees.

After the 2019 election, Davies was named the NDP critic for Health in the 42nd Parliament. It notes that over the next five years there will be an $18-billion gap in transit infrastructure needs. They want to reverse those community mailboxes that have been introduced and proven to be problematic for people, and to preserve that vital public service to allow full mail delivery for all Canadians. Thank you. I'm honoured to present petition E-2492, signed by over 3,000 Canadians who note that in light of the COVID-19 pandemic hundreds of ... moved for leave to introduce Bill C-240, an act to amend the Canada Elections Act with regard to voting age. With regard to the People’s Republic of China: how many Canadian citizens are currently (i) in detention, (ii) in detention with charge, (iii) in detention without ... With regard to the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA), for the period of May 23, 2018, to December 14, 2019: (a) what compliance and enforcement ... An Act to amend the Criminal Code (assault against a health care worker), An Act to develop a national school food program for children, An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act and the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (assault against a health care sector worker).
Its practice was to permit certification when it was presented with evidence by a majority of employees who wanted to unionize. Our BC NDP Constituency Association works to support and strengthen … Explore this member's most recent work in the current session of Parliament. ... the third petition is signed by many people in my riding of Vancouver Kingsway. Message to the residents of Vancouver Kingsway: Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, please be advised that my Vancouver Kingsway constituency office will be conducting all business by phone and online communication until further notice. It is the automatic certification that is intended to stop employers from affecting that constitutional right. Yet, Liberals are refusing to repeal Conservative legislation that blocks communities from providing harm-reduction services. NDP MP for Vancouver Kingsway (B.C.)

Mentioned by CTV News Did Canada agree to a 'Trump veto' and costlier drugs in USMCA? Mr. Speaker, there is a national epidemic of drug overdoses, and the Minister of Health has acknowledged that safe injection sites like Insite in Vancouver make sense and save lives. Mr. Speaker, I have three petitions to introduce today. Don Davies MP is a Canadian federal Member of Parliament for the New Democratic Party, representing the riding of Vancouver Kingsway since his election in the 2008 federal election. This member has indicated formal support by jointly seconding the following private members' bills sponsored by other members.
Ms. Barnes, I don't know if you had the opportunity to listen to the testimony ... Mr. He was chair of the Mount Pleasant Parent Advisory Council and serves as secretary-treasurer of the Meridian Cultural Society, providing public space for childcare, church and cultural events.[1]. Chair, I think there have been some points made on both sides of this. Members may remember that actor Donald Sutherland and others publicly complained about this. Madam Speaker, prior to being elected, I was fortunate enough to work for a major union in this country for 16 years and represented many workers before the Canada Industrial Relations Board who were seeking certification under federal legislation. Not even sort of. Won his last election, in 2019, with 49% of the vote. The bill would provide applicants who were turned down with an appeal to the immigration appeal division, so they could correct this in a timely manner instead of having to reapply for a new visa, which costs additional money, causes delays, and results in prejudice to people—as they continue to get rejected, they end up losing their chance of getting a visa. Main office - Vancouver