I knew I had a prob LEM, but was unable to gather enough evidence to prove it. masticate experienced with masticating juicers, which I gather are slower to use. You are the manager when you join a league, recruit players and gather stats.

Professors and students gather every morning for the daily prayer; then the professors take their seats at the foot of the pillars of the great court and the students crouch on mats at their feet.

gather together to remember the victims and survivors of the tsunami disaster. disappointed, to find that he could gather few supporters; the justiciar and the bureaucrats of the Curia Regis would give him no assistance; they worked on honestly in the name of the absent king. On a height immediately to the southeast is the ruined castle of Klopp, on the site of a fortress founded by Drusus, and higher still the celebrated chapel of St Roch (rebuilt in 1895 after a fire), where thousands of pilgrims gather on the first Sunday after the 16th of August. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. As you gather information from various makeup artists colleges, be sure to inquire about the availability of financial aid, whether it be in the form of student loans, grants or a combination of both.

I gather information and present findings, not give my opinions. If you can gather some information on your own, you will cut down on the amount of time you will need to consult with your attorney. autopsyrganizational Questionnaire was designed to gather information about the facilities that are available to pathologists to perform coronial autopsies.

I have been forced to watch this pantomime, whilst I gather my forces.

gather in this great cathedral, one of the finest Romanesque buildings in northern Europe. Of his early life and education we know nothing; from the contempt with which he spoke of all his fellow-philosophers and of his fellow-citizens as a whole we may gather that he regarded himself as self-taught and a pioneer of wisdom. It allows its members to track their portfolios, learn about smart investments and gather data on mutual funds. 33 23 From the epistles of Paul, who thanked God that he spake with tongues more than all or any of his Corinthian converts, we can gather a just idea of how he regarded this gift and of what it really was. Cyrus managed very cleverly to gather a large army by beginning a quarrel with Tissaphernes, satrap of Caria, about the Ionian towns; he also pretended to prepare an expedition against the Pisidians, a mountainous tribe in the Taurus, which was never obedient to the Empire. In the absence of wind the summer atmosphere is often bright and exhilarating, but there is a constant tendency to sudden squalls of wind and rain, which pass as quickly as they gather. Local trade is conducted either at the permanent bazaars of great towns, at weekly markets held in certain villages, at annual gather ings primarily held for religious purposes, or by means of Local travelling brokers and agents.

The perfect place to layer up, gather up and go crazy with this cotton basic is American Apparel. dusk approached, we settled on a lonely mound to watch the cranes fly by and gather to roost. No one in fact would gather from this and parallel passages how important a part was played by the Amorites in the early history of Palestine.

He gritted his teeth, not wanting to think of how long she'd cut herself to gather so much. Do you plan to have people gather around the table to play games? The legend continued to gather accretions, and a miraculous origin came to be assigned to the image. Gather with friends for a day trip to an exclusive art exhibition.

Post them wherever busy people tend to gather, such as supermarkets or daycare centers. The position of the Franks in the Holy Land was not improved by the attack on Damascus; while the ignominious failure of a Crusade led by two kings brought the whole crusading movement into discredit in western Europe, and it was utterly in vain that Suger and St Bernard attempted to gather a fresh Crusade in 1150. To gather the nectar, beehives are placed on bluffs, elevated platforms along the river's edge, or even on floats during the short period in April and May when the white tupelo blooms.