The popular cats eye chrysoberyls come in many nuances between lemon and greenish yellow, and in honey colors and shades from mint green to brownish green, with rich gold colors generally the most valued.Chrysoberyl is found in shapes such as ovals, cushions, rounds and emerald cuts. With a hardness of 8.5, Chrysoberyl is also one of the hardest gemstones and perfect for everyday wear. Today, I opened the Fedex box re the 8.29 ct Tsavorite oval sugarloaf, and it is breathtaking! Consequently, the remaining portion of these molten magma was water rich. However, facetable Chrysoberyl gems are most often yellow, though some are brown, green, or orange. Valued for thousands of years, chrysoberyl is a surprising gem that you'll love as much for what it does as for how it looks. Thank you very much. It is distinctly different from the beryllium-aluminum silicate (Be3Al2(SiO3)6 mineral known as \"beryl,\" although the similar names can cause confusion.

Everything I have ever bought from AJS is gorgeous!! Chrysoberyl cat's eye is a favorite stone for men's rings and cuff links.

Chrysoberyl has distinct cleavage and a vitreous surface luster. Kind regards, Chrysoberyl, like Alexandrite, is a beryllium aluminum oxide.

Milk and honey is a term commonly used by gemologists to describe the color of the best cat's eyes. Two additional bands can be seen in the green-blue if the stone has a strong color.

Chrysoberyl has distinct cleavage and a vitreous surface luster. It may remind you of yellow sapphire, topaz, or citrine. It is also found in small deposits in India, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar. -- SK, Singapore, Jun 2020,Hi, this arrived yesterday [8.59 ct Amethyst], so well packed, and very beautiful. The two words combined mean “gold colored beryl”. The processes occured at least 250 million years ago.

In spite what the name implies, Chrysoberyl is not actually a Beryl at all.Chrysoberyls are known to be associated with discipline and self-control. The vast majority of cats eye gems have been native cut with uneven bottoms, but this is not a sign of haphazard work or poor lapidary skills. Chrysoberyl is best known for its important varieties Alexandrite and Cat’s Eye, a form of chrysoberyl that is polished into a cabochon and highly chatoyant, displaying a sharp line of light through the center of the stone. Cat´s eye material is found as a small percenttage of the overall chrysoberyl production wherever chrysoberyl is found. Cat's eyes are sometimes irradiated in order to improve color and chatoyancy. Like the 9.85 ct. Morganite is also amazingly pretty. In terms of hardness, chrysoberyl is much more harder than beryl. One of the best way to clean the gemstone is by using warm soapy water and a soft brush.The gemstone alexandrite is a chrysoberyl containing iron, chromium and titanium as impurities.

With a hardness of 8.5, Chrysoberyl is also one of the hardest gemstones and perfect for everyday wear.The cat’s eye effect exhibited on this variety is caused by microscopic needle-like fiber inclusions that cause the light to band together in a thin streak or ‘eye.’ In fact, the term cat’s eye is most often associated with chrysoberyl, and when used alone without a gemstone name prefix will always refers to Cat’s Eye Chrysoberyl, which is the most famous and valuable of the cat’s eye gemstones.Chrysoberyl is the birthstone for June and the gem of the 18th anniversary.Yellow to strongly Yellowish-Green to Greenish-Brown. I have gotten the gems today [blue zircon, apatite, peridot, red zircon]. When the color darkens from bright yelowish-green to golden-yelow to brown, this band increases in strength.

Fairly large crystals occur near Golden, Jefferson Co., Colorado.The name Chrysoberyl is derived from the Greek words “Beryl”, meaning green and “Chryso”, meaning golden. Stepped twin planes may be apparent in some cases.An interesting feature of its crystals are the cyclic twins called.There are three main gem varieties of chrysoberyl and they each offer a different type of beauty:Of the three chrysoberyl, alexandrite is the most expensive, followed by cat's eye and lastly, yellow chrysoberyl.Chrysoberyl was formed as a result of pegmatitic processes. The molten magma was forced by the high pressures and temperatures from the outer layers of the earth's mantle towards the surface. Chrysoberyl is the third most commonplace herbal stone and is found at 8.5 at the Mohs mineral hardness scale among corundum and topaz.