(Project Albero/Aryze), City staff will bring forward a report on the dock in November. Victoria city council has approved the use of a $300,000 COVID-19 response fund to continue housing the city's homeless in hotel and motel rooms. Please read our Commenting Policy first. The decision will go in front of Victoria city council Thursday. It is a safe, effective, affordable, and widely accepted method of health care delivery. The financial chairman of the Victoria and Esquimalt police board, Sean Powell, wrote city council a letter May 22 saying the department could no longer absorb the current costs. Jordan Reichert is the deputy leader of the Animal Protection Party of Canada and the West Coast Campaign Officer for the Animal Alliance of Canada. A deputy mayor is appointed monthly. > A new dock installed secretly in the Gorge waterway on July 15 aims to spark a community conversation on rethinking how people use the harbour. Â. “We’ve streamlined it and talked to police over the past 19 years and we do what we can to limit the amount of police, but this is the 21st century,” Thornton-Joe said. The councillors are councilors-at-large elected for the entire city. Follow us on Instagram. [1][needs update] Each councillor takes on a different portfolio (e.g. Ontario reports 335 new coronavirus cases, 69% under the age of 40, Registered sex offender accused of peeping at teen girl in restroom at South Carolina restaurant, Is Canada in a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic? On July 15, Aryze Developments installed a circular dock in the Gorge Waterway near Banfield Park for swimmers to rest on and take in the views. Isitt proposed an amendment asking staff to look into the suitability of that area for the platform and any recommendations that may be brought forward with a “view towards minimizing the impact on the marine environment.” Staff said this amendment fit with the plan they already had in place for dealing with the dock. The money is to be drawn from unspent funds from previously approved $300,000 COVID-19 response funding. Follow us on Instagram. Charlayne Thornton-Joe purposed an amendment asking staff to look into public health concerns around swimming to the dock, brought on by an email from a resident who said they would not swim in the Gorge without a hazmat suit and an iodine scrub. During Thursday’s Committee of the Whole meeting, a motion brought forward by Couns. The first person to notice the dock was awarded a coffee shop gift card and the first swimmer to reach the platform was treated to Phillips Brewery beer that had been left there by the company. Days later 105 people are quarantined for coronavirus, Majority of Canadians say wearing a mask during coronavirus pandemic is a civic duty: poll, Dads tackle sex offender accused of spying on girl in bathroom at Cracker Barrel. "Sending out the message: 'Come to Victoria, get a free hotel room' is working against everything we want to achieve.". On Sept. 10, Aryze Development co-owner Luke Mari explained the company had been contacted by the federal government and told they needed a permit for the platform to remain in the water. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6.

Comments are welcome while open. Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? On July 15, Aryze Developments installed a circular dock in the Gorge Waterway near Banfield Park for swimmers to rest on and take in the views. The election prior was November 15, 2014. Want to discuss? Charlayne Thornton-Joe purposed an amendment asking staff to look into public health concerns around swimming to the dock, brought on by an email from a resident who said they would not swim in the Gorge without a hazmat suit and an iodine scrub. Coronavirus numbers are surging in Canada. Ben Isitt is suggesting reducing the size of the party and confining the celebration to just the B.C. Buildings considered unsafe and an eyesore. Environment; Youth Liaison; Deputy for Parks and Recreation; Social Planning). Contact Mayor & Council Mayor and Council welcome your feedback. The Victoria City Council is the governing body of the City of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. READ ALSO: Floating dock installed secretly in Gorge entices swimmers with free beer, chance to win gift cards. "I think there is a real opportunity with the disruption of our economic system and our society to eliminate at least visible street level homelessness in the community, if we can muster sufficient political will and sufficiently robust partnerships with other levels of government and other organizations," said Isitt. The motion, which passed six to one on Thursday, directs city staff to book hotel and motel rooms in the capital region for homeless people in the City of Victoria. Loveday said that was a bigger discussion to have and he did not support the amendment, adding he has heard conflicting information that the Gorge is “actually one of the cleanest” places to swim. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, B.C. Although people are not able to celebrate together, they can celebrate apart!
The circular wooden dock, which features a sloped incline for swimmers to climb up and a Japanese Katsura tree, was designed to be compliant with regulations, said Mari. Siggy Pietrzak in June of this year. The circular wooden dock, which features a sloped incline for swimmers to climb up and a Japanese Katsura tree, was designed to be compliant with regulations, said Mari.