There were however differences of expression, which in the early days led to an amusing incident.
All is prepared—the table and the feast— With due appurtenance of clothes and cushions.Half a dozen of Percival's friends sat at the table with them from time to time.Blowing out the candle, he advanced to the table and set it down.She stood by the table, the light from a shaded lamp making her colour glow.Almost every Barbarian at the table had made his own fortune.He led her, unresisting, around to the couch at the other side of the table. In general, place different indices (e.g., means and standard deviations) in different columns rather than in the same column. However, left-align the information if doing so would improve readability, particularly when cells contain lots of text. The delays and often partial misunderstandings which occur when interpreters are used were avoided.

In the rest of the English-speaking world, to "table" means to begin consideration (or reconsideration) of a proposal. There are many common kinds of tables, including demographic characteristics tables, correlation tables, factor analysis tables, analysis of variance tables, and regression tables.This page addresses the basics of table setup, including table components, principles of table construction (including the use of borders and how to handle long or wide tables), and placement of tables in the paper.

Another word for table. No other adjustments are necessary.
Sentence types can also be combined.

They are the only type of heading that may be plural. Table Spanners cover the entire width of the table, allowing for more divisions or combining tables with identical column headings. You may also use a border to separate a row containing totals or other summary information from other rows in the table.Do not use vertical borders to separate data, and do not use borders around every cell in a table. The periodic table organizes chemical elements according to trends in their physical and chemical properties. In general, use a border at the top and bottom of the table, beneath column headings (including decked heads), and above column spanners.

Examples of table manners in a sentence, how to use it. Note that tables and figures have the same overall setup.APA Style tables have the following basic components:See the following diagram for an illustration of the basic table components.The most important principle to follow when creating a table is to present information in a way that is easy for readers to understand. In that case, place the table at either the top or bottom of the page rather than in the middle. There is no Sentence object. Remarks. Use the same.Use the tables feature of your word-processing program to create tables in APA Style papers. ; The periodic table lists elements in order of increasing atomic number. Consider the sentence (H & I) → H.We consider all the possible combinations of true and false for H and I, which gives us four rows. The table body may be single-spaced, one-and-a-half-spaced, or double-spaced. The difference is due to how long the topic is thought to stay on the table. The phrase "put on the table" can have the same meaning of "making the issue available for debate" in both dialects.The British meaning of to "table" is to begin consideration of a proposal.The American meaning of "to table" is to postpone or suspend consideration of a motion.A main motion that has been laid on the table may be taken up again by adoption of a motion to,The use of the motion to lay on the table to kill a motion is improper; instead, a motion to,Although the motion to lay on the table is not debatable, the,In TSC, the motion to take from the table must be made prior to the end of the current session, unlike RONR, which permits the motion to be made prior to the end of the following session if it is held within a quarterly time interval. Use spacing between columns and rows and strict alignment to clarify relations among the elements in a table.If a table is longer than one page, use the tables feature of your word-processing program to make the headings row repeat on the second and any subsequent pages. Also add one blank double-spaced line between the table and any text to improve the visual presentation.750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242,Telephone: (800) 374-2721; (202) 336-5500,© 2020 American Psychological Association.The table body may be single-spaced, one-and-a-half-spaced, or double-spaced.Left-align the information in the leftmost column or stub column of the table body (but center the heading).In general, center information in all other cells of the table. Use the Sentences property to return the Sentences collection. The British meaning is based on the idea that the topic is on the table for only a short time and is there for the purpose of being discussed and voted on; the American meaning is based on the idea of leaving the topic on the table indefinitely and thereby disposing of it, i.e.