I have to restart my Pc to see a hint of Facebook!I cant send or Receive messages on marketplace i have ads on there and cant recieve messages also if im intererested in an item try send a message and i get ‘this person is currently not accepting messages this does it on every person im trying to contact. I even liked a lot of new pages and groups to try to fix the issue but it didn’t work. I make a public reply to a public posting, and then anyone who replies to my orignal reply can’t be seen, it just fails to load them and I get that slow revolving ‘loading’ wheel. . Received get back on Facebook with one click, not working.

im getting the same message – “something went wrong “… schuks, really??? Come on FB – catch up.mine keeps switching between the new crap layout and the old layout that worked fine as I go through the notifications from last night.My page won’t load, just get the circle going around endlessly.As a non-facebooker I used to be able to view public pages. I have not received any notices from Facebook. Not sure what is up. How do you contact FB to see if they are having problems?Having problems loading notifications.. This “new” option is slow, problematic, and perplexing. Server issues and the fact that it has been occuring for over 24 hours now is disturbing to say the least.Since last evening I when I log into my newsfeed I see the newest post and nothing else. Can’t even create a new account.Day 5 and no newsfeed on computer or phone.I can switch older photos between albums, but not anything I posted within the last year. WTH is going on?“action blocked You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action.” The last 3 days this has happened in mid-afternoon. I’ve tried all alternatives.Am having problems with my FB timeline as well. I have waited for hours. Been That Way Since THURSDAY!!!!! We are interested in your opinion, reaction … which functions did you like and which you are not convinced of? Thank you!What is wrong FACEBOOK…!!!! please fix it,Can’t post ftom facebook mobile. 2.No one can see my sale posts on auction sites. Have uploaded a face photo, not working. The first checkbox is the audience, then the post content. My personal page loads fine but all my business pages wont load on my PC/desktop.I have Facebook 3 band pages. Thanks for helping me solve this problem.My News Feed will no longer scroll in any browser, or on any device. Please try again later.” And I also sent them proof of my ID (driver’s license and explanation of my problem with logging on, codes, etc.) Please try again later.”.If I try again immediately, or wait hours, I get the same messages.This has been going on for several weeks now. I get this message when I try to have a text sent to my phone: “You have requested too many text message security codes recently. !I’m having this same problem. *sigh*,Can’t make new posts on my page or in my group.No place to make new posts on my home page but business page is working. . “something went wrong, try refreshing this page” with an icon that looks very similar to instagram. Anyone else having problems like this?My news feed hasn’t loaded normally for over a month. Its the govt.My FB business pages logos are showing. Nothing on the news that I’ve heard. Doesn’t matter.

Sadly, I read, tried, posted but am unable to connect to those inquiries on items I’m trying to sell.

Heads need to roll for this problem. In USA.You won’t get back in until their system is up & running again, It’s not you.Down in CA, less than 5 miles from their headquarters. nothing on it.Posts are not loading on Facebook. . I wait and sometimes it finally comes on and other times not at all. I’m using Facebook on an iPhone 7. This is crazy.Cannot get a thumbnail on any video ,I.e.Youtube,Daily motion etc..Not just my video but all videos as of September 23 yesterday?The weird thing is at the top of my Facebook page there is a “View As”Which is how other people view your page and the thumbnails are still there and the videos work fine.What has happen and is this only a temporary clinch? Messenger seems to be slow but working ok, I’m in central Florida,Exactly the same here!! Anyone know what is causing this and how I can get to the older posts from my friends.All of my posts have disappeared. This is extremely problematic.When in a group – I go to the “recent media” to see the most recent posts. Think it’s time to get my pics off well I still can n there still there.same here for over a week now. Also, my messenger doesn’t work. worked a few hours ago, and yes, i rebooted my computer.Agreed, scheduling option was gone yesterday and today.Have not been able to schedule a post for days and now I can’t even post at all.Was able to login to facebook in Opera, but am unable to log out or do anything else. Wish they’d debugged the new version before they foisted it on us. Tried resetting the computer to an earlier date, but that didn’t help.

What the heck is going on today? And on the computer I can log in and out just fine. Then mid-afternoon I receive the quoted message the same as the other poster.action blocked You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action.It is November 12, 2019. First i thought it was some how network related since my phone app seemed to work but that changed too. All day today!!! The new Facebook is an interface update that places more emphasis on Groups and Events – the two biggest reasons people visit Facebook every day. (9-22-2020).I’ve had the new computer layout forced on me. What’s up?What is going on? For instance, if a friend leaves a like or reaction under one of my posts, I keep getting a notification for that, over and over!