People say that but don’t understand it. In an interview, you talk to the source him or herself – preferably in person. The Round-Up was one of my favorite types of magazine articles to write when I was freelancing. Thanks for your good work.I have really benefited in my research.Iam an up-coming journalist student at Mt Kenya university in Thika.Keep it up! . Wrap it up for Christmas for...oh, who are we kidding? Humor or satire articles are really hard to write. Personal Profile or Q&A Article “Who Is the Merchant of Death? These tips will give you the confidence you need to write for magazines, submit query letters to editors, and get your writing published. Most writers starts their publishing journey the wrong way. Each paragraph tells a different part of the sentences. EXAMPLES OF FEATURE ARTICLES. Take it one step at a time. First, you will need to do a lot of research work and collect as much information as you can on the person you are going to interview. Change ). This comprehensive list includes feature length stories, roundups, personality profiles, research shorts, human interest pieces, and “how to” articles. You’ll be surprised by the variety of these different types of online and print magazine articles! London WC1R 4HQ. Even if your goal isn’t to become a successful freelance writer, you will benefit from these simple ways to improve your magazine writing skills. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. A historical article describes a moment in time. You can either read their biography, previous interviews or read about their current projects, interests and the list can go on. Often writer’s are passionate about the subject. If you have any thoughts or questions about writing these types of feature articles for magazines and other publications, feel free to share below. Anyway, thanks again and I will inevitable be back – so keep writing! I am very particular with you a bookmark, but your content is amazing! This is probably my second most favorite type of feature article to write. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Tip for freelance writers: Some magazine or newspaper editors require writers to submit their own photos for how-to articles. These tips and ideas are really helping a lot! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In February, Wired expounded on Why Things Suck!, April tackled Steve Jobs’ “evil genius” and in November explored the future of food. Coffee should not be one of those nuisances. May your writing bless your readers, point them towards truth and light, and help them grow in faith, love, hope, and peace. “Indefinite plans get dubious results.“. Thika sorta scared me a little, but my friend was totally at home there. Examples of “how to” articles are: “How to Write Magazine Articles That Editors Love to Publish” or “How Freelance Writers Earn a $100,000 Every Year” or How to Think Like a Magazine Editor – 8 Tips for Writers. Research Shorts for the “Front of the Book” are those little blurbs of scientific research you see at the beginning of many magazines. Chicago Blogger, I’m glad this article is helpful, and appreciate your feedback! A profile is one type of feature article, so I meant what I originally wrote . cause I need a very new or u can say a “fresh” topic which is never be write buy anyone ( Log Out /  .-= Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen´s last blog post ..Starting a Magazine Writing Career – How to Make Money as a Freelancer =-. I just don’t know how to write a query letter to a magazine. Can be presented as a “Q & A” or a written article. Here’s a tip from bestselling author Natalie Goldberg about being a successful writer: “I hear people say they’re going to write. A memorable quotation or statement that looks to the future. They want to start big. Your writing is very easy to read! Thanks for taking the time to comment, Sarah — and I love the title of your last blog post. Can you help me by giving me a formula or structure on how to pitch my idea to the editor? “Well-researched and heavy with documentation, this type of magazine article takes a stance and adopts a particular point of view on a timely and often controversial issue.