Just a 1/2 teaspoon to help the dough stay active, but not so much that it would overtake the natural yeast or speed up the process too much. Serve warm or room temperature. If not, replenish your starter and wait until it’s active to mix the dough. I went by volume though normally would go by weight. Makes: 8-16 croissants, depending on size and filling, I love everything about this!! Roll the dough back into a large rectangle, about 10″x15″, fold the sides in over the center again, then wrap in plastic wrap and chill for at least 30 minutes. Also, when I did the laminated, the butter didn’t exactly melt; but, it did soften some and ooze out the edges of the dough a little when I was rolling it into a rectangle. The total flour content is 602g (490g flour + 112g flour in the sourdough starter) while the liquid content is 412g (300g milk + 112g water in the sourdough starter). Unbleached ap flour is exactly what I use. Start with butter that is chilled enough that it is firm but is slightly pliable. Flip the paper over and line the 4 sticks of butter, side by side, in the middle of the square.

Set the dough on the work surface with the narrow end pointing towards you.

Cover the bowl and after 60 minutes repeat the procedure. Hi Eileen, My office baking expert recommended your website and I am so thankful for the recommendation. You should have a pattern of one top mark between two bottom marks. Fold the right 1/3 of the dough towards the middle then fold the left 1/3 of dough over enclosing it like a letter. Roll the dough to a 10" square. I made these last week and they were awesome! It’s very good, too, which is nice. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill 2 hours. 🙂. One is croissants, obviously. HI there! If you need more water, add it 1 tablespoon at a time, gently mixing until the dough holds together. One question though: the dough came out pretty dense (granted, I am a tartine person and would rather work with high hydration dough).

But they actually turned out!!! 🙂 or what should I use instead? I personally don’t have experience using vegan butter, but here is a quote from a previous comment on this recipe “We are vegan, so we used soy milk and vegan butter for the dairy products and I used a oil wash instead of an egg wash. Normally I would chill the dough after it’s mixed and chill it between each “turn”. Eileen, Can these be made without sourdough starter? Roll the dough to a 8" x 24" rectangle. The actual times will vary based on how active your starter is and the ambient temperature. For a spectacular rise you’d need to use a yeast dough, preferentially a layered yeast dough, like our Definitive Croissant recipe. Three hours later and they taste horrible and cooked unevenly. The properly fermented dough is able to hold the butter in the layers. These look great! For instance, the current recipe I follow has 56% hydration, which is pretty typical. (You can use a smidge of commercial yeast to help you out, more on that later.). I don’t know that there’s anything that smells as good as croissants baking in the oven, butter pouring out of the layers.

In the bowl of your mixer, combine all ingredients to form dough.

Is it possible to not use osmotolerant instant yeast?? Use the rolling pin to gently press on the square to flatten it.

Read more…. Hello Eileen, I have only recently been experimenting with sourdough recipes. Unwrap the butter and place it in the middle of the square. They definitely tasted a tiny bit different without the yeast in the dough, but they still baked beautifully, with layers and layers of golden dough and butter.

The difference between Classic Croissants and Sourdough Croissants is the use of the natural yeast in the starter to rise the dough.