NSFM will certainly be stepping in to ensure everybody has the correct tools to get out there in the best manner possible.”.Mood said the most important thing is that existing election rules or any changing rules apply clearly and consistently across municipalities.1 being least likely, and 10 being most likely. ".In a letter of response sent to Mood on Wednesday, the minister assured her that “we examined your request to postpone the October 2020 election carefully,” before confirming that the elections would go ahead as scheduled.“I encourage municipalities to continue their preparations for an October election with the current public health protocols in mind; specifically the requirements around social distancing,” Porter wrote.“There are several options for municipalities in terms of how they conduct elections, how electors can vote, and how candidates campaign, such that an election can be held safely.”.Porter went on to list some of those options, specifically the use of provincial and federal voting lists rather than conducting door-to-door enumeration and alternative voting methods like mail, telephone or computers in addition to paper ballots.Porter also offered the options of increasing the number of polling stations to limit the number of voters at each station and marking polling station floors to direct voters to maintain two-metre distances. Municipal elections in Nova Scotia will be held on Saturday, October 17. The town of Truro (population 12,500) is the county seat. The Department of Municipal Affairs provides programs, grants and funding to municipalities and community groups. “What is most important is that the democratic practice is in place. The next municipal election in Nova Scotia will take place on October 17, 2020. ",- Pam Mood, president of Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities,“As the mayor of Yarmouth, I’m good to go. Communities are stepping up across the province, but democracy is in trouble. Colchester County is located in north central Nova Scotia. We may be looking at some changes to some of the rules in regard to elections. Colchester was part of Halifax County until 1835. He also suggested encouraging voters to cast ballots by advanced voting and urging candidates to use signs, phone, social media and virtual options instead of canvassing door-to-door.Mood said municipal reaction to Porter’s decision is mixed.“Some municipal leaders are good to go, others have concerns,” Mood said. Government wants to make it easier for Nova Scotians to vote in municipal elections or run for council.Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Chuck Porter introduced amendments on … “Will we be permitted to knock on doors? The nomination period is now closed. If you can’t knock on doors, how do you get out there and campaign.

You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Commonly Asked Questions about On-line & Telephone Voting,Information on Posting Signs in Public Places,Form 12 - Affidavid of Removal List of Electors,Municipal Elections Act Regulations Forms,Business and Community Organizations Directory. At that time we will be electing a Mayor and 4 (four) Councillors at large. Elections are under the jurisdiction of the Nova Scotia Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing. All rights reserved.This email address is being protected from spambots. Enter one or more keywords in the form below to search the Town of Kentville’s website, Voting in the October Municipal election will be by telephone and internet only. 2020 Candidates.

The department provides services and guidance to municipalities, towns and villages in many areas including safety and security, budget planning and finance, and policy and program development.
The next municipal election in Nova Scotia will take place on Saturday October 17, 2020. Key Dates *Subject to change.
Running a Successful Campaign in 2020 NSFM has put together this list of resources to help you make up your mind, get started, and run a campaign: Things to Know Before You Run for Municipal Office. Municipal Elections October 17, 2020 Residents of Kentville will join citizens of other municipalities across the province in municipal elections to be held on Saturday, October 17, 2020.