The easiest way to listen to podcasts on your iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, … Neal Allen was raised in a Protestant Christian family but until he was 52 years old believed he had no use for god.

Listen to The Lion’s Roar Podcast episodes free, on demand. Ensler is known for her famous episodic play, The Vagina Monologues – a testament to the healing power of sharing the traumatic, scary experiences that we think we can’t tell anyone.

But in her book The Apology, Eve Ensler goes one impossible step further. Today, Lion’s Roar publisher Ben Moore speaks with Canadian meditation teacher and co-author of Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics, Jeff Warren about founding the Consciousness Explorers Club and engaging mental health through the lens of spiritual practice. Meditations, interviews, dharma talks and features from Lion's Roar Magazine and Buddhadharma: The Practioner's Quarterly. In his book.Julio Rivera is the founder and CEO of Liberate, a meditation app and community for black indigenous and people of colour. Neal Allen was raised in a Protestant Christian family but until he was 52 years old believed he had no use for god. But in her book The Apology, Eve Ensler goes one impossible step further. The Lion‘s Roar Podcast. Buddhadharma deputy editor Koun Franz asks him about the role of study in Buddhist practice – what divides the scholars from the practitioners – and how Batchelor bridges that gap, showing how practice opens up questions we can pursue with an attitude of curiosity that inspires us to investigate its foundations.A Marriage Made in Heaven with Anne Lamott and Neal Allen / Positive Change in Buddhism with Melvin McLeod.Anne Lamott grew up in a family with atheist parents and a great disdain for spirituality. They were married by an episcopal minister, a Jesuit priest, and the Buddhist author and teacher, Jack Kornfield. In fact she says, “love is what to do.”.Jungian psychoanalyst and Zen Buddhist Dr. Polly Young-Eisendrath lays out the pitfalls of romantic love that lead us to idealization, delusion, disappointment and depression, and how to avoid them.Then an introductory tonglen meditation to refresh and expand your heart, from the online course.Buddhist teachers Toni Bernhard and Pema Khandro Rinpoche have both known chronic illness first hand. But in her book.Life as we know it has changed, including work life. The Lion’s Roar Podcast Lion’s Roar Foundation Buddhism 4.0, 1 Rating; Listen on Apple Podcasts. In an interview for Lion’s Roar magazine, the joyous interfaith couple describe how they found the sweet spot where seemingly opposite beliefs meet.Sharing your most personal stories can seem impossible.

22 AUG 2020; Illness Can Teach Us So Much with Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro Rinpoche Illness Can … / Sylvia Boorstein. She tells the story of her abusive father from his perspective. Listen on Apple Podcasts. On the internet they would find a vast archive of recorded talks from the past – sometimes clear and sometimes not – as well as a … Neal Allen was raised in a Protestant Christian family but until he was 52 years old believed he had no use for god. The podcast is shifting to bi-weekly starting with this episode, allowing us to prepare a slew of new projects coming your way.

Making Sense of Death with Ram Dass and East Forest. We’re the Shambhala Sun Foundation. Koun Franz, Zen priest and deputy editor of Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly, talks about what Zen is—and isn’t. Meditations, interviews, dharma talks and features from Lion's Roar Magazine and Buddhadharma: The Practioner's Quarterly.
In her interview with Lion's Roar's Andrea Miller, she explains how she found the courage to tell the story of her abuse, what it means to tell the true story of your trauma, how to respond when someone tells you their traumatic story, and how to create a culture around apology that allows for true healing in the aftermath of abuse.Everyday Buddhism: Making Everyday Better,Mindfulness of Breath Meditation for Beginners,New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care. We’re the Shambhala Sun Foundation.

You may very well know us as the publishers of two Buddhist magazines, the Shambhala Sun and Buddhadharma. We talked about what makes a sangha of non-white practitioners different, and why Liberate has shifted to focusing on black and indigenous healing foremost – a message that’s only amplified by the recent news, and demonstrations in response to, police violence against George Floyd and too many others.