and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Council. incidental - (frequently plural) an expense not budgeted or not specified; "he requested reimbursement of $7 for incidental expenses"

à l'acte final sont approuvés au nom de la Communauté. Telecommunications services supplied by public postal services and supplies of goods, The new Act provides for the establishment of the Namibian Correctional Service and matters, 1. Learn more. The Maternity Benefits Ordinance No. CallUrl('definitions>uslegal>com

à l'annexe I au présent règlement d'exécution. Rien dans la présente Convention ne saurait être interprété comme limitant ou empêchant l'application de la. , or at best wholly dependent upon Jehovah’s vindication. The Emergency Powers Act empowers the President as the head of the executive branch of Government to make emergency regulations whenever an emergency proclamation is in force; to specify matters which may be provided for in emergency regulations; La loi sur les pouvoirs d'exception habilite le Président, en tant que chef de l'exécutif, a décrété une réglementation d'exception lorsqu'un état d'urgence est en vigueur; à préciser des questions à prévoir, dans une telle réglementation; à définir sa, Its aim is "to provide for the setting up of a National Human Rights Commission, for the better protection of human rights, for the better, investigation of complaints against members of the, Elle concerne «la mise en place d'une commission nationale des droits de l'homme, l'amélioration de la protection des droits de l'homme, l'amélioration de la conduite, des enquêtes sur les plaintes visant des membres, Based on the second aim as indicated above, several state governments in India have enacted Right to Information legislation like Goa Right to Information Act, 1997; Tamil Nadu Right to Information Act, 1997; Rajasthan Right to Information Act, 2000 and Karnataka Right to Information Bill, 2000. ~TildeLink()ly, for those of a scholarly bent, this term has its roots in the Latin "non obstante verdicto," meaning notwithstanding the verdict. Incidental Contingent upon or pertaining to something that is more important; that which is necessary, appertaining to, or depending upon another known as the principal. partie intégrante du présent accord, y compris des développements tels que la définition par l'Organisation civile internationale des lignes directrices PNR. ; 2 Elliott's Debates, 283, 284. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Be warned. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, The Maintenance Act (1970) provides for the appointment of maintenance officers, the investigation of complaints relating to maintenance, the issue of maintenance, orders by the courts, the imposition of penalties for failure to, La loi sur la pension alimentaire (1970) réglemente la nomination de spécialistes de cette question, les enquêtes sur les plaintes relatives à la pension alimentaire, la publication d'ordonnances en matière de pension alimentaire par, les tribunaux, l'imposition de sanctions en cas de non-observation. of women before and after their confinement. Gains also come from other transactions, events, and circumstances affecting the entity during a period except those that result from revenues or investments by owners. What is what? CallUrl('www>lawyerintl>com