The UAE has largely escaped the Arab Spring, which other countries have experienced; however, 60 Emirati activists from Al Islah were apprehended for an alleged coup attempt and the attempt of the establishment of an Islamist state in the UAE. Here are the absolute coolest things to do in Dubai right now. [91] During the late summer months, a humid southeastern wind known as Sharqi (i.e. The UAE has begun production of a greater amount of military equipment, in a bid to reduce foreign dependence and help with national industrialisation. [138] An Associated Press report implicated that the UAE made gains against Al Qaeda in Yemen by making payments and recruiting them in fighting the Houthis, instead of military intervention. The UAE's oil reserves are the sixth-largest in the world while its natural gas reserves are the world's seventh-largest. The UAE has a modest dress code, which is part of Dubai's criminal law. All OFWs must submit the required documents to receive the tax exemption. [100] The UAE's Council of Ministers (Arabic: مجلس الوزراء‎) is the chief executive branch of the government presided over by the Prime Minister. [98] The United Arab Emirates uses the title Sheikh instead of Emir to refer to the rulers of individual emirates. [331], The UAE has developed from a juxtaposition of Bedouin tribes to one of the world's most wealthy states in only about 50 years. Children traveling alone or in a different cabin class from their parents are considered Unaccompanied Minors and must pay the full adult fare.

[229], Sharia courts have exclusive jurisdiction over family law cases and also have jurisdiction over several criminal cases including adultery, premarital sex, robbery, alcohol consumption and related crimes. [146], As a result of the successful foreign policy of the UAE, the Emirati passport became the largest individual climber in Henley & Partners Passport Index in 2018 over the past decade, increasing its global rank by 28 places. The land of the Emirates has been inhabited for thousands of years. Despite the Government's expansionary fiscal policy and a growing economy in 2018 and at the beginning of 2019, prices have been dropping in late 2018 and 2019 owing to oversupply in some sectors of importance to consumer prices. It was reported in 2019 that UAE's National Electronic Security Authority (NESA) has enlisted the help of American and Israeli experts in its targeting of political leaders, activists and the governments of Qatar, Turkey and Iran.

On the contrary, it will become more and more important for the Government to have monetary policy at its free disposal to target inflation, shun too heavy reliance on taxes, and avoid situations where decisions on exchange rates and interest rates contradict fiscal policy measures – as has been the case in recent years, where monetary policy has limited fiscal policy effects on economic expansion.
[335] The right to collective bargaining and the right to strike are not recognised, and the Ministry of Labour has the power to force workers to go back to work. The UAE has won the Gulf Cup Championship twice: the first cup won in January 2007 held in Abu Dhabi and the second in January 2013, held in Bahrain. One is jointly controlled by Oman and Ajman, the other by Fujairah and Sharjah. The country had already signed a military defence agreement with the U.S. in 1994 and one with France in 1995. Pro tip: snag a table outside for a gorgeous Burj Khalifa fountain show view. The federal government is composed of three branches: The UAE e-Government is the extension of the UAE Federal Government in its electronic form. It was adopted on 2 December 1971. This arrangement ended with independence and the establishment of the United Arab Emirates on 2 December 1971, immediately following the British withdrawal from its treaty obligations. Use the arrow keys to select the dates.