Samba began his career working as a billboard painter and comic strip artist, gradually moved towards painting on sacking fabric as canvas was too expensive. List of the most popular artists from South Africa, listed alphabetically with photos when available.

Born in 1953, Dumas grew up on her father’s winery in Kuilsrivier but lives and … Image:, @AnjalieDCSource: UGC. He was also a designer, and he worked almost virtually in acrylic paints while he incorporated different glazing techniques. Tracey Rose MAQUEII 2002 Lambda print 118 x 118 cm Edition of 6 © Courtesy Goodman Gallery. Zambia. Employing local craftsmanship and presented with a European flair, Gaba’s works vary from paintings and ceramics to multimedia installations employing materials such as paint, plywood, plaster, stones, and decommissioned bank notes. A former diplomat and undersecretary of the Sudanese Ministry of Culture in the 1970s, El Salahi was imprisoned for six months without charge upon being accused of anti-government activities. I can’t wait to deal with you again in the future as I grow my little collection. Many more purchases to come .

She won several awards, and her works are proudly displayed in public and private collections all over the world. He sheds light on his inspiration for painting, his love for Linda Shaw and how he managed to change from wanting to study fashion to becoming a painter. Uganda. Alfred Khumalo (5 September 1930 – 21 October 2012), better known as Alf Kumalo, and with the... Peter Magubane (born (1932-01-18)18 January 1932) is a South African photographer.

", #39 of 62 The Best Female Painters of All Time#38 of 88 Famous Contemporary Artists, Ranked, Art Forms: Sculpture, Mural, Ceramic art, Painting. Also, in 2002, he got a nomination for the Daimler Chrysler Sculpture Award. Physical gallery space located in the heart of Cape Town's trendy East City precinct.

Sign up for our newsletter for exclusive deals, discount codes, and more. Use the slider to limit to artists who were alive at the time you estimate the painting is from.

You can find useful information below about these notable South African artists, such as when they were born and where their place of birth was.

60 Days East Returns. On his paintings that centre on South African subjects, he uses elements of Gauguin. Born in Durban, South Africa and currently residing in Johannesburg, is an established contemporary multimedia artist and outspoken feminist, best known for her bold performances, video installations, and arresting photographic works. Image:, @Olivia Hewitt (modified by the author)Source: UGC. Anja Marais is one of the most celebrated artists in South Africa, as she has produced several solo and group shows in various parts of the world including Florida, Seoul in South Korea, Havana in Cuba, as well as St. Petersburg in Russia. The South African painter had served as a consultant for the formation of the Institute of New International Visual Art (InIVA) as well as a council member of the Arts Council of Great Britain between 1986 and 1990. The list you're viewing is made up of a variety of different artists, including Marlene Dumas and Evan Penny. Meet Katya Wagner, maybe better known as Pony of the Sea. In part one of this two part episode, we chat to helo samo as we unpack the concept and stories behind his creations. His award-winning... Kevin Carter (13 September 1960 – 27 July 1994) was a South African photojournalist and member... Dave Robertson, is a South African visual artist currently living and working in Cape Town.... Lennie Lee (born 4 March 1958) is a South African conceptual artist who lives and works in... Austin Stevens (born 19 May 1950) is a South African-born Australian naturalist,... Andrzej Sawa (born 1941) is a Polish-South African photographer. Marlene Dumas. From Constructivism to geometric abstractions and Futurism, Mehretu describes her paintings as “story maps of no location.”, 2011-08-27 San Francisco 013 MOMA, Julie Mehretu – Stadia 1 | © Allie Caulfield/Flickr.

Gravity and Grace Monumental Works by El Anatsui, Brooklyn Museum 09 | © Eva Blue/Flickr.

The contemporary South African visual artist Zwelidumile Geelboi Mgxaji Mslaba "Dumile" Feni was specially known for his paintings and drawings. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Yes, she uses LEGO as her medium. On the 13th of October, 2009, a major exhibition of his works that was held at Standard Bank Gallery, Johannesburg. He developed his own style later, and most of his works focus on different elements from African masks, nature, and other African art, and over time, attentions on his work have steadily grown. Chiurai’s work is brutally honest, tearing apart the status quo and confronting the state of African governments through a mixture of digital photography, printing, painting, and more recently, film.

Three Centuries of South African Art: Fine Art, Architecture, Applied Arts, Hans Fransen (author) AD.

The South African painter Deborah Poynton is best known for her hyper-realistic and detailed, monumental, nude portraits that are usually of family and friends. I have received my parcel! In 2014, she got the Cecily Brown Fellowship award for Outstanding Woman Artists. Image:, @Art TimesSource: UGC.

Thank you for the wonderful service, you make it easy to be a returning costumer!!!! Chiurai uses dramatic multimedia compositions to confront and challenge the most pressing issues in the southern African region, from government corruption to conflict and violence, xenophobia, and displacement.