The multidimensional time map can also use a combination of the foregoing and/or other time divisions or measurements. In some cases, one or more of the blocks 404, 406, and 408 may be optional. In some embodiments, the standardized format may differ based on the data source accessed and/or the type of data accessed. Fires when a drag is held over an area (on the target Element).

4 presents a flowchart of an example of a data classification process 400. 6. In many cases, some or all of the communications platforms 1276 may provide at least some native DLP support. In particular embodiments, the process 2800, in whole or in part, can be implemented by one or more of the meeting information sources 2215, the BIM system 2230, the meeting analytics system 2219, the user-context analytics system 2280, the meeting scheduling system 2292, the event extractor 2294, the pattern generator 2296, the recommendation system 2298, the scheduling access interface 2201, the meeting tracker 2203, and/or the data store 2221. In some cases, access to the BIM system 130, or to some features of the BIM system 130, may be restricted to users who are using clients associated with the computing environment 102. For example, the metadata may include the sender's job title, the recipient's job title, the name of the sender, the name of the recipient, whether the communication identifies a product number or an order number, the time of communication, a set of keywords in the content of the communication, etc. 5.

In general, each user session is established between a user device and one or more of the communications platforms 1876. 8 presents a flowchart of an example of a data query process 800 that uses query packages. It US/Global Provide monitoring and assessment for Oxley (Sarbox) targets any company that is Publicly traded messaging security, virus protection, publicly traded on an companies intrusion detection, vulnerability American stock exchange. In particular embodiments, the process 2900, in whole or in part, can be implemented by one or more of the meeting information sources 2215, the BIM system 2230, the meeting analytics system 2219, the user-context analytics system 2280, the meeting scheduling system 2292, the event extractor 2294, the pattern generator 2296, the recommendation system 2298, the scheduling access interface 2201, the meeting tracker 2203, and/or the data store 2221. In response, the time evaluation module 2715 can retrieve, from the data store 2221, a time-based activity pattern for the particular meeting participant, or cause such a pattern to be generated. Audit the usage of the messaging message date system after hours.

TODO: Add some other user-actions; During the operation of Jenkins other events and actions occur which are not initiated by the user, for example: Jenkins system agent joins or leaves a Jenkins cluster. In some embodiments, the databases 232 may store the abstracted or transformed data and the original data or references to the original sources of data. 18 illustrates an embodiment of a system 1800 for user-context-based analysis of communications.

The recommendation system 2298 will be described in greater detail with respect to FIG. The time evaluation module 2715 is operable to determine and return meeting-time information given a set of input parameters.

The data collection system 132 can include a collection engine 202, an access manager 204, a business logic engine 206, and a business logic security manager 208.

In some embodiments, one or more of the blocks 806, 808, and 810 may be optional. In this fashion, if the actual value is not more than two standard deviations below the expected value, the new communication may be assigned the classification. In some embodiments, the business logic security manager 208 may apply a set of security and data access policies to any data or metadata provided to the classification system 134 for processing and storage. User Context Analysis and Context-Based DLP. at a same time can be correlated to a same meeting instance.

In some cases, the heuristics engine 230 determines whether one or more characteristics are associated with the data. In some embodiments, the one or more profiles 608 can also be manually established. Similar to XUL command event. In a typical embodiments, the DLP management console 1260 performs operations that report and/or enforce cross-platform DLP policies responsive, for example, to violations detected by the DLP detection engine 1248. Although illustrated separately, in some embodiments, the query security manager 244 can be included as part of the query manager 242. Event ID: 2004 It is similar to the mouseover event but occurs while dragging. Logon ID [Type = HexInt64]: hexadecimal value that can help you correlate this event with recent events that might contain the same Logon ID, for example, “4624: An account was successfully logged on.”. The computer-readable program code is adapted to be executed to implement a method.

2. Rubens, Paul, “Cybercrime Shopping List Study Points to Falling Prices,”, Dec. 16, 2013, 3 pages. If the query security manager 244 determines that the user does not have permission to access the data, the query security manager 244 rejects the user query at block 516. For example, in some cases, the collection engine 202 may access email from an email server to obtain metadata (e.g., sender, recipient, time sent, whether files are attached, etc.) The central detection typically includes evaluating, against the cross-platform DLP policy, communications collected by the BIM system 130 that correspond to the central activations.

), manage meetings (e.g., systems that track meeting length, meeting participants who have joined, etc. The access manager 204 can manage and control credentials for accessing the data sources. In addition, in certain cases, reformatting the data can include extracting metadata from the accessed or collected data.