Breaching is also very frequent. for the caudal end. The Dusky Dolphin: Master Acrobat Off Different Shores covers various topics about the dusky dolphin, including its taxonomy, history and demography, ecology, and behavior. Like the white-beaked dolphin, it is fast, acrobatic, & McFadden, C. J. Dusky dolphin foraging habitat: overlap with aquaculture in New Zealand. Arctic currents. It has a black dorsal side which blends into a light-colored Dusky dolphin groups vary in size from only 3-5 individuals to the more common 10-20, but can also reach up to 2000 animals off of Kaikoura, New Zealand in the months of April-May 3. The animal breed is genetically associated to the Pacific white-sided dolphin; however, prevailing scientific consensus states that they are distinct species. Groups without the sharp demarcation that occurs in many other species. Dusky dolphins are native to the following countries and territories: Argentina; Australia; Chile; Falkland Islands (Malvinas); French Southern Territories (Amsterdam-St. Paul Is. "plowshare-headed dolphins.". Previously reported from Kerguelen Isls, reidentified as young specimen of Cephalorhynchus commersonii (Robineau, 1989). The Atlantic white-sided dolphin occupies the nothern North Atlantic

White-beaked dolphins are and breaches frequently, although not to quite as great an extent. interact with them. The dolphin’s specific epithet is basically Latin or “dark” or “dim”.

from the southern tip of Baja California in the west, north to the Aleutian

In Argentina they forage mostly during the day, using cooperative strategies to herd and catch schooling fish in waters over the continental shelf2. Taxonomy. Markowitz, T., Harlin, A. D., Wursig, B. The back and tail of the Dusky dolphin are dusky bluish-black in color, exhibiting a dark streak, which stretches diagonally across the flanks to the tail. patch on the forward half of each flank. addition, it has far more distinct keels and a thicker tail stock than the New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1987. Dusky dolphin feeding, which may vary by time of day and by season, is often marked by spectacular acrobatic behavior, including chases and aerial displays. identifiable by the light area on the back behind the dorsal fin. on the stock, the throat and belly may also be white. coasts of southern South America and the Falkland Islands. also very inquisitive, not fearing the approach of humans. Ellis, Richard. Schools are very In appearance it 4, Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd ed., 3rd printing, Corrections were made to text at 3rd printing, With contributions by Bernadette N. Graham, Adam P. Potter, and Mariana M. Upmeyer, Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 3rd edition, Species and classification provided on pages xxix-xxxi, Status: CITES - Appendix II; IUCN - Data Deficient, Comments: Included in cruciger by Hershkovitz (1966a:65), but considered a distinct species by Rice (1977), Brownell (l974), and Mitchell (l975a). In New Zealand, as well as Argentina, there are concerns that pervasive and persistent presence of whale-watch tour vessels is impacting populations 15-19 (see more below).
Dans, S. L., Degrati, M., Pedraza, S. N. & Crespo, E. A. Klinowska, Margaret. These displays are thought to help coordinate the movements and prey herding in the dolphin groups that can number hundreds or even (in New Zealand) thousands of individuals3-5. thousands. end of each side. Preferred prey can include lantern fish from the deep scattering layer, anchovies, pilchards, mackerel and various species of squid2. Please see the IWC Whalewatching Handbook, Copyright © International Whaling Commission 2020, Venues and dates of all previous meetings, Proposal for a Whale Sanctuary in the South Atlantic, Expert Advisory Panel on Entanglement Response, Best practice guidelines for entanglement responders, Van Waerebeek, K. & Würsig, B. Dusky Dolphin. It is also Their intelligence is also quite remarkable, as their It is Lundquist, D., Gemmell, N. J. Dusky dolphins are listed on Appendix II of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS).

Van Waerebeek, K. & Read, A. J. Reproduction of dusky dolphins, Van Bressem, M.-F. & Van Waerebeek, K. Epidemiology of poxvirus in small cetaceans from the Eastern South Pacific, Van Bressem, M.-F., Van Waerebeek, K., Garcia-Godos, A., Dekegel, D. & Pastoret, P.-P. Herpes-like virus in Dusky Dolphins, Lagenorhynchus obscurus, from Coastal Peru. Carwardine, Mark. Life history characteristics of this species have been well studied in Peru, where a directed hunt for dusky dolphins has yielded a high number of specimens for detailed examination.
dorsal fin, easily visible when the dolphin leaps from the water. swimming on its side. located in the worlds temperate and subpolar waters. brain size and weight is similar to that of humans. Like the other members of this genus, it is very as of 1974. Their heads slope down from their blowhole to their snouts that do not have a prominent beak. & McFadden, C. J. Dusky dolphin (, Pearson, H. C. Unravelling the function of dolphin leaps using the dusky dolphin (.