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Photo: Paul Sarkis/Showtime.

So basically Jackson’s advice is “talk to her.” And so after she runs off, DeLuca eventually finds Zola sitting in an OR gallery and asks what’s going on. Episode 3 Hunting

Add to that the lethal extra whammy of the Pierce deal and the article, and it was a catastrophic combination.Nothing was going in Waystar's favor.

HBO's Succession deepens the characters in Season 1, Episode 2, Next of Kin, as the family continues to crumble apart.

Of course it had to be Pusha.”.How Dare Logan Roy Wear Such an Awful Cardigan?The shawl cardigan is from the devil and no one should wear it under any circumstances.But Really, How Do You Spell ‘Tomelette and Greggs’?J. Surprise?• Bailey being confused about why her hormones are out of control seems a little ridiculous for a woman who is both the Chief of Surgery at an elite hospital and someone who has been pregnant before, but, okay?
Roman, then, decided that he should say something, anything, and he got trampled for his idiocy later.But Roman was also the first to call out Shiv on dropping her desire to oust the dinosaur when situations such as the Cruise article hit. Did you know.So, yes, Meredith’s in jail for about 20 seconds, which isn’t ideal, but everyone seems fine and she’s just waiting to get released on Halloween when we come across her. Since we’ve been used to a single genre concept, the first episode of Succession, titled “Celebration,” portrayed how a serious TV show about power and money could be enhanced by its accurate delivery mixed with compelling drama. ‘Succession’ Episode 6 Recap: Vote Out the Git .
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Alex sees his wife in her wedding dress, fake blood and all, and suggests they head to the courthouse to make their marriage legal. We're being punished for the sins of others. But Roman wasn't wrong when the article hit that in light of years worth of allegations, it was just bad and not bad bad.Roman: I mean, call me sociopathic, but doesn't this seem a tiny bit quaint in comparison to the last few years?Cultural spashback or not, everyone knew that Nan Pierce wouldn't take the accusations well.She was already hesitant about turning over her family's legacy to the likes of the Roys, so the idea of guilt by association wasn't scoring Waystar Royco any points.The mad scramble to secure a potential deal outside of Pierce to steer Sandy and Stewey in a different direction brought Roman closer to the main event, and that was Gerri's doing.Is there an angle here for a team-up? Just a corpse bride and vampire promising to love each other until death do they part.• Perhaps the weirdest thing about the Pac-North of it all is that I kind of like it over there? Once again, Logan has all his children firmly under his thumb, each completely vulnerable to his capriciousness. Logan almost had a heart attack on the spot, but Shiv couldn't backpedal on her statement.Shiv got a little rope when Logan offered her the succession, and so far, she's used it to hang herself. But in the midst of a takeover and a bearhug, the timing couldn't have been worse.While we know that Mo was into some shady business, that he was a perv, and that Tom had Greg destroy any evidence pointing to the wrongdoing of Waystar Royco, we haven't gotten a lot of details.Even while the top brass put their heads together to respond to the impending accusation, we weren't privy to the truth about what was about to unfold.What we did know was that it was big, damaging, and would likely end the bid to buy Pierce.It was also obvious that the company was trying to buy time to battle the expose, but the more they pushed, the less likely they'd get the opportunity to state their case before publication.These people aren't classy or PC on a good day, but a meeting the equivalent of what Waystar Royco is very stressful.