He played a significant role in the transformation of the Congo from a colony of Belgium into an independent republic. From this rostrum I express my gratitude to President Bourguiba, His Majesty Mohammed V, President Sekou Toure, President Tubman, President Nkrumah and President Olympio, whom I had the honour to meet at this decisive moment. It is the year of our indisputed victory. In October 1958 he, along with other Congolese leaders, launched the,The MNC decided to shift tactics, entered the elections, and won a sweeping victory in Stanleyville (90 percent of the votes). We chose to pay the price of freedom.The classical methods of the colonialists, which we all knew or partially still know, are particularly vital here: survivals of military occupation, tribal disunity, sustained and encouraged over a long period, and destructive political opposition, planned, directed and paid.You know how difficult it has been for a newly independent state to get rid of the military bases installed by the former occupying powers.

Following his assassination, he was widely seen as a martyr for the wider Pan-African movement. Ideologically an African nationalist and Pan-Africanist, he led the Congolese National Movement party from 1958 until his assassination.Shortly after Congolese independence in 1960, a mutiny broke out in the army, marking the beginning of the Congo Crisis. Our goal is to revive Africa's cultural, philosophical, social and moral values and to preserve our resources. It is the year of heroic, blood-drenched Algeria, of Algeria the martyr and example of struggle. All of them immediately realised that the attempts of the imperialists to restore their rule threaten not only the independence of the Congo but also the existence of all the independent states of Africa. It is concrete testimony of the unity that we need in the face of imperialism's monstrous appetite.All statesmen are agreed that this reality is not debated but fought for so that it may be defended.We have gathered here in order that together we may defend Africa, our patrimony. The road we have chosen is not an easy one, but it is the road of pride and freedom of man.We were aware that as long as the country was dependent, as long as she did not take her destiny into her own hands, the main thing would be lacking. His viewpoint was not exceptional. However, since the first Conference of the Peoples of Africa in Accra in December 1958 we have traversed the entire road of the liberation of our continent together.You will recall the upsurge of the liberation struggle of the peoples of Angola, Algeria, the Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Nyasaland and Rhodesia after the Conference in Accra, and of Ruanda-Urundi today. When at our first conferences, which were held in various cities in Africa, we brought up the problem of decolonisation the imperialists never expected we would be successful. Patrice Lumumba Quotes in The Poisonwood Bible. It is the year of tortured Angola, of enslaved South Africa, of imprisoned Ruanda-Urundi, of humiliated Kenya.We all know, and the whole world knows it, that Algeria is not French, that Angola is not Portuguese, that Kenya is not English, that Ruanda-Urundi is not Belgian.

Forced out of office during a political crisis, he was assassinated a short time later.

He was assassinated in 1961. There can be no compromise between freedom and slavery. Patrice Lumumba, African nationalist leader, the first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (June–September 1960). Born: 1925. But you, of course, know that that reality is even more stubborn than they, and Africa lives on and fights.

You will remember that a decisive step forward was taken after that historic Conference. Yet in spite of that she is open for all and we are prepared to go anywhere. The object of these intrigues is to recapture economic control of our country.But one thing is certain, and I solemnly declare that the Congolese people will never again let themselves be exploited, that all leaders who will strive to direct them to that road will be thrown out of the community.The resonance that has now been caused by the Congolese problem shows the weight that Africa has in the world today.