No, the flu vaccine cannot cause flu. "While we would all want an even more effective vaccine, it remains the best way we have to prevent flu and its complications.". Flu- and pneumonia-related deaths have also been less common in 2018-2019, ranging from 5.5% to 7.4% of weekly deaths in the U.S. so far. They want us to die in a preventable pandemic in the most long, drawn out horrifyingly painful way possible. I was amazed! I have not had a seasonal illness, not even a cold, in 5 years and I am better off not getting these vaccinations. Recommended composition of influenza virus vaccines for use in the 2019-2020 northern hemisphere influenza season. A recent Cochrane Collaborative review ( found only a 1% reduction in influenza incidence among vaccinated individuals and 2% for “influenza-like illness” (which may not be influenza) compared to unvaccinated individuals.

Instead get good sleep, good nutrition, 1000 mg Vitamin C, 2000 IU Vitamin D3 and some K2 and daily exercise for stress. It’s a cyclical virus that is impossible to predict, otherwise we wouldn’t be mismatched year, after year, after year. It’s vaccinated people that think their vaccination status elevates their health status that are the real problem here. Well they came from the U.S. Mar. Only a small population of people are susceptible to COMPLICATIONS of the flu virus, and those people need to stay home and protect themselves as best they can without assuming that being around a person that is vaccinated makes them safe.

The strains of the influenza virus selected by the World Health Organization (WHO) and U.S. health officials for vaccine manufacturers to include in this year’s flu shot for the North Hemisphere (including the United States) may turn out to be a ‘mismatch,’ according to epidemiologist Danuta Skowronski, MD of the British Columbia Center for Disease Control in Vancouver, Canada.1 2, In February 2019, the WHO recommended the “influenza B virus component of trivalent vaccines for use in the 2019-2020 northern hemisphere influenza season be a B/Colorado,” and the A(H3N2) component in March.
A flu vaccine is the first and best way to reduce your chances of getting the flu and spreading it to others. The report noted that severe illness markers, including laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization rates among children and adolescents and among adults ages 18-49, are higher than at this time in recent flu seasons, including the 2017-2018 season, during which influenza A(H3N2) viruses predominated.

Finally, Epling said this interim report doesn't change what family physicians already are doing in practice. Daily Mail Sept. 30, 2019. Cognitive dissonance runs amok. At this point in the 2017-2018 season, that number topped 10%. Danuta Skowronski, MD is the researcher that the CDC, WHO and pharma tried to Wakefield when her group reported that the more Flu shots you get the less effective th shot will be afterwards. Well they came from the U.S. What’s So Effective About a Flu Vaccine That’s Less Than 10 Percent “Effective”? Stay Dialed In on the Fight for Family Medicine, AAFP Digital Assistant Pilot Opportunities Available. How is efficacy of flu vaccination measured and who is doing the measuring? Flu VE Network participants; 97% belonged to genetic subclade V1A.3 (different from the V1A.1 subclade that includes the 2019-2020 B/Victoria vaccine reference strain [B/Colorado/06/2017]) and 3% belonged to V1A.1.
Because 2019-2020 has been an early and relatively severe flu season and because flu activity continues, Epling said family physicians definitely should continue to offer vaccinations to all unvaccinated patients. “Historically, they’ve had a problem ever since the influenza vaccine was first used decades ago.

Hmmm…. The flu vaccine is generally more effective among people under 65 years old. Among the patients with acute respiratory illness enrolled during the analysis period, 26% tested positive for influenza virus infection using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, including 17% for influenza B viruses and 9% for influenza A viruses, with five patients testing positive for both, according to the report. So I asked him did he get the Flu AFTER he got the shot. Feb. 21 CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the current influenza vaccine has been 45% effective overall against 2019-2020 seasonal influenza A and B viruses. At least he didn’t post what many people say when they get sick after they get the shot-I didn’t get it in time. Your rhetoric is so flipping tired. So far this season, 92 influenza-associated deaths have been reported in children and adolescents younger than 18 -- the highest number of deaths at this point in the season since reporting began for the 2004-2005 season, the CDC said. Guess what, so did people that were injured. The CDC and medical profession don’t have all the answers.