Every area surrounding us, whether it is the road in front of our house or the machinery in our factory looks familiar in daytime. Top Answer.

Day and night have different lengths throughout the year, depending on the latitude of a particular location and what season it is.

This is because Edinburgh is further away from the equator than London is.Midday is the time in the Earth’s rotation when the position of the sun is at the same longitude. One is the circulation of air through our atmosphere. This is why we get winter.

These are called the spring and autumn,A map showing all of the time zones in the world,The Prime Meridian at the Greenwich Royal Observatory.Businesses need to be aware what the time is in different offices around the world!There are seven time zones in North America,Whole sky movies from the National Schools Observatory to help you.Password must contain at least one uppercase character.Password must contain at least 10 alphanumeric (letter or number) characters.Password must contain at least one lowercase character.Password must contain at least one digit.

Find.People use the artificial illumination to provide them with enough light during the nighttime. Facts about Day and Night … Earth takes 23 hours and 56 minutes on average to make a complete rotation with respect to the sun, which adds … The beginning the nighttime is after the dusk comes.The daylight is considered as the opposite of nighttime.

It may cause any eye pain if the illuminance reaches 120,000 lux.

Earth takes 23 hours and 56 minutes on average to make a complete rotation with respect to the sun, which adds up to a single day every four years.

the poles) the Sun does not set during certain times of the year. And two, the fact that Earth’s axis is tilted.The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the Sun and once every 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars. The places that are familiar to us such as the road in front of our house or the machinery of our factory look totally unfamiliar during night as we are not used to seeing them during nights. The time when it appears is called sunrise, and the time when it disappears is called sunset. The condition during the daylight and nighttime is explained on Facts about Day and Night. During this time, one hemisphere will be experiencing warmer temperatures and longer days while the other will experience colder temperatures and longer nights.Of course, since the Earth is rotating around the Sun and not just on its axis, this process is reversed during the course of a year. Days are longer in the summer and shorter in the winter.The further you are from the equator, the longer a day will be in summer and the shorter it will be in winter. This way we have Day and Night. Click here to go to an interactive activity to see the length of the day and night, as well as sunrise and sunset times for a chosen date.. Day Length around the World For example, summer in the Northern Hemisphere has longer days than nights. Whatever we do as in our work, whether it is working at an office or going to shop or repairing a car or mowing the lawn is done during the day.

When where you are is pointed toward the Sun, it is day. This rotation takes 24 hours to complete.

On the western side of the line the time is 12 hours ahead of London and on the eastern side of the line the time is 12 hours behind London. Those times of the year when the northern and southern hemispheres experience their longest days and nights are called solstices, which occur twice a year for the northern and southern hemispheres.Another common feature in the cycle of day and night is the visibility of the Moon, the stars, and other celestial bodies. The changing lengths of days and nights depends on where you are on Earth and the time of year. Also, daylight hours are affected by the tilt of the Earth's axis and its path around the sun.

The period between the.A calendar day is a 24 hour period between two consecutive midnights. And there are also seasonal periods where a single night can last many days.Naturally, this gives rise to certain questions. For most of here on planet Earth, sunrise, sunset, and the cycle of day and night (aka.