There were at least two small demonstrations in northern areas of Bahrain, where protesters chanted anti-Israel slogans and stepped on Israeli flags amid a heavy police presence. A Palestinian woman walks carrying a child past wreckage of mobile homes destroyed by Israeli forces in a village south of Yatta near Hebron in the occupied West Bank on September 11, 2019, as they were reportedly built without a rarely issued Israeli-issued building permit in Area C, the 60% of the West Bank under Israel’s exclusive control. The exchange is informative, funny and warm. As of August 31, Israel was detaining 185 Palestinian children, many suspected of criminal offenses under military law, usually stone-throwing. Other examples of invasion followed by annexation have led to international intervention; most recently the Russian incorporation of Crimea in 2014 which immediately led to international sanctions. Some issued empty statements to “condemn” Israel, and “urge” it to stop its attacks against the Palestinians, but continued to give Israel diplomatic, political and military support. Two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel at the same time the ceremony was being held. Outgoing goods in the same period, mostly destined for the West Bank and Israel, averaged 252 truckloads per month, compared to the monthly average of 1,064 truckloads prior to the June 2007 tightening of the closure. UAE and Bahrain sign historic deals in US with Israel. Palestinian demonstrator Emad Essa from Gaza said if people walk through the coastal enclave “you’ll see hundreds of Gazan youth who have lost their legs and got crippled for life for just for merely protesting against the Israeli blockade”. He has opposition from some wonderful liberal politicians and NGO’s, who enjoy growing support in the Jewish diaspora. Both Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states signed peace agreements normalizing ties with Israel in Washington last week. It is trying to silence us through media campaigns that paint us as “terrorists” and “savages”. My family was always prepared for the worst, because the worst could knock on our door at any time, as it did during the attacks on Gaza in 2008, 2009, 2012 and 2014. The government must now make clear publicly to Israel that any annexation will have severe consequences including sanctions. It is trying to force us into compliance by brutally attacking peaceful protests against its occupation and illegal settlement. The Israeli Supreme Court is examining constitutional challenges to the Nation State Law adopted in 2018. There are quite a few Tory and SNP signatories, but the majority are Labour. His research focuses particularly on complex vulnerabilities, and communal/individual ways of dealing and living with constant violence, death, and war. Excluding Jerusalem residents, West Bank Palestinians were tried in military courts, including those charged with nonviolent speech or protest activity. Then watch my interview with Palestinian anarchist Budour Hassan, to get some solid analysis from someone in the front lines of this struggle. Now, my niece and thousands of other children living under Israeli siege in Gaza, are growing up with the same fears and the same sense of constant emergency. Hamas authorities also said they received 47 complaints of arbitrary arrest and torture during this period, none of which resulted in criminal convictions for the alleged wrongdoer.

The demolitions displaced 642 people as of September 16, more than the total number of people displaced in 2018 (472), according to the UN Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). All was still. Home » What is Happening in Israel and Palestine? Unsurprisingly only the Guardian seems to have picked this up. The Israeli government continued the policy described by the Interior Minister at the time of making “miserable” the lives of the roughly 32,000 Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers present in the country who refused to depart. Majed Abusalama is an award winning journalist, scholar, campaigner and human rights defender from Palestine. As of October 31, according to Prison Services figures, Israeli authorities held 4,731 Palestinians in custody for “security” offenses, including 2,840 convicted prisoners, 1,061 pretrial detainees, and 460 in administrative detention based on secret evidence without charge or trial. As a child, I knew that living in fear every single day was not normal.