Rather let the bastard Rot to hell.- Amandla: He never apologised even once for the pain and suffering he and his predecessors inflicted on black people in South Africa and since his wife says he would have not wanted a state funeral, he shouldn't get one.

Januar 1916 im Paul-Roux-Bezirk (Oranje-Freistaat); 31. ".Dominee Johan Botha said he and the former president had held "deep, spiritual talks" over the 10 years he had known him, and that it was clear that Botha had had "a personal relationship with Jesus Christ".He said Botha had been "born again" in his presence, and that his last words to his wife were: "I love you. 541 readers were against the idea and 498 were for it.- Ollie: He was a symbol of apartheid - but he also put a lot into working towards democracy - and who are we to judge a man for his mistakes (which we all make) anyway - so do we crucify him after his death (which is the easy, cowardly approach we are so used to) or do we honour him for all he did right?? Cornelius Frederik Botha: 17.

".Dominee Bill Barkley, who conducted the service, said it had been Botha's last wish that his service should be based on Psalm 23, The Lord is My Shepherd.Although Botha had been a president, he had always been deeply conscious of God, who was the true ruler of all, Barkley said. "God rules," Barkley said, asking the congregation: "Are you ready to meet God? Botha, has died at his home in Wilderness on the country's southern coast. "He was the devil personified at the same level that Hitler was, and should be treated as a pariah by peace-loving people," Cosatu said in a statement.Mr Mbeki's eldest son, Kwanda, is believed to have been killed by agents of the apartheid government under Mr Botha.After the end of apartheid, Mr Botha refused to testify before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which investigated apartheid crimes and offered amnesty to those who confessed and showed remorse.This confirmed many people's view that he represented white South Africans who had failed to adapt to change and clung to old privileges and prejudices.Mr Mbeki's attendance is being seen as a gesture of reconciliation,PW Botha was known as the Big Crocodile for his tough stance,How the world's oldest clove tree defied an empire,Why Royal Ballet principal Sergei Polunin quit,Tourists flock to 'Jesus's tomb' in Kashmir.56,514 people are reading stories on the site right now.17,029 pages were read in the last minute.

October 31, 2009 06:31 AM Former South African president, P.W.

Pieter Willem Botha (afrikaans: /ˈpitəɹ ˈvələm ˈbʊətɑ/; * 12. "Bury the past or the past will bury you," Jordanian Christian missionary Dr Bahjat Batarseh said.Having bitterness by remembering the past all the time is "like a worm that eats the root of a tree and then the tree collapses," he said.At the service, Mr Mbeki and his wife, Zanele, sat alongside the last white president of South Africa, FW De Klerk who oversaw apartheid's dismantling.Also at the funeral was the former head of the armed forces during the apartheid era, Gen Constand Viljoen and a few members of the former National Party government.Director-General of the Presidency, the Reverend Frank Chikane, whom Botha's apartheid regime once tried to poison, was also among the mourners.Flags have been flown at half-mast from government buildings since he died at the age of 90 last Tuesday.President Mbeki said on Tuesday that a balanced appraisal was needed of Mr Botha's life "to promote national reconciliation".He said it was under Mr Botha that contacts first began with the African National Congress (ANC).The first post-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela is not attending, but has paid tribute to Mr Botha - describing him as "a symbol of apartheid" but recalling that he had taken steps towards an eventual peacefully negotiated settlement.The BBC's Peter Biles in Johannesburg says that even though Mr Botha had become politically irrelevant during his years in retirement, his death has sparked new debate in a nation that wants so much to put the past behind it.Newspapers in South Africa had few kind words to say about Mr Botha calling him apartheid's last great champion.And there were heated exchanges on South African radio talk shows about whether Mr Mbeki should attend the funeral.Hundreds of ANC activists went missing or were killed whilst Mr Botha ruled South Africa between 1978 and 1989.Ahead of the funeral, The Congress of South African Trade Unions in the Western Cape likened Mr Botha to former German dictator Adolf Hitler. Awards. Some South Africans have viewed Mr Mbeki's attendance as a betrayal of those who suffered during apartheid.Inside the church in the Western Cape, Mr Botha's coffin was adorned with white roses and lilies, and the service was broadcast live on tv and radio.Hundreds of mourners were at the Dutch Reformed Church in the town of George.There was a prominent photograph of the former president on display at the church. Beats me, but sure is an interesting topic... well done IOL!

PW will be a hard man to forget he even used extracts from the Bible to justify his evil way of thinking. ".Evangelist Bahjat Batarseh, a Jordanian who had got to know Botha in his later years, said "God had arranged" for him to be at the funeral.In an evangelical sermon which drew laughs and applause, Batarseh ridiculed evolution, dismissed the Big Bang theory, and urged the congregation to take Jesus into their hearts.He had had the privilege to pray with Botha and to "anoint him with oil".

From a personal point of view there are some very old Lions who can't catch the prey for themselves, but I don't even think such rotten monster flesh can make a nice meal for them. A private burial is following the service.During the sermon, mourners were told that South Africans should not dwell on the past.