It assists in issues of dizziness and vertigo, as well as balance and coordination. Fluorite is a stone known for clarity and mental enhancement. An excellent stone for students, the Fluoride crystal works to boost peacefulness and clear focus in your environment, making it a must-have for those times when you need to concentrate. Fluorite Meaning.

It brings order to ones thoughts and emotions. Blue Fluorite helps one with creative visualization, clear/concise communication and soothing and calming the nerves.

Blue Fluorite brings about the process of an spiritual awakening.

Its name comes from the Latin word fluor, meaning “flow,” but today, it is used to describe the crystal’s fluorescence – its ability to glow under ultraviolet light. The term flux comes from the Latin adjective fluxus, meaning flowing, loose, slack. It amplifies intuition and psychic abilities.
This wonderful crystal helps us let go of obsessions, frustrations and disappointments.

The mineral fluorite was originally termed fluorospar and was first discussed in print in a 1530 work Bermannvs sive de re metallica dialogus [Bermannus; or a dialogue about the nature of metals], by Georgius Agricola, as a mineral noted for its usefulness as a flux. Each species of the crystal can have its own unique meaning. Clear Fluorite is s symbolic representation of a clear mind, one that has been freed from distractions and disruptions to one’s spiritual journey. This amazing crystal will help transform new concepts and principles into an easy order for one to digest. Fluorite crystal meaning The name fluorite comes from the Latin word flux which means flowing and mixing of materials to make better materials.

When considering the meaning of Fluorite, it is best to appraise the varieties individually. Agricola, a German scientis… Fluorite is an exceptional crystal for relieving mental illness and disturbances of brain wave frequencies by increasing the electrical charge of brain cells and balancing the brain’s chemistry. Its ability to assist the clearing of negative energy and aiding in decision-making has made this a favorable stone to work with. Fluorite is the crystal of “learning”. Clear White Fluorite brings mental, emotional and spiritual clarity. when used for meditation, Clear White Fluorite alleviates Feelings of guilt, shame and jealousy. As Fluorite is commonly used as a flux to join two different metals, this is a very apt name for the metal. The word fluorite is derived from the Latin verb fluere, meaning to flow.

The aura is cleansed, especially when used in conjunction with Green Fluorite. This powerful stone is known as a “psychic vacuum cleaner”, clearing the negativity in your auric field and aiding in removing “ cloudy thoughts”.

Carry some Fluorite about in a pocket, holding it from time to time in ones place of learning.

The mineral is used as a flux in iron smelting to decrease the viscosity of slags.
It is of immense help to any type of student. Fluorite crystal carries in its wonderfully intricate designs the spiritual qualities of symmetry, beauty, lucid dreams, and even genius. Fluorite Meaning The Fluorite crystal meaning comes from its distinctive fluorescent light that features different colors when exposed to UV rays.