Its development in Chongqing has the advantages of unique location, industrial concentration, broad market, well-furnished facilities and so on. However, there were five 4-star hotels (CSO, 2015). These buildings are revitalized and adapted for hotels with meeting rooms (e.g. The Museum of Cinematography in Ksiezy Mlyn) and centres of art and culture (e.g. At the same time, it also has the disadvantages of low brand recognition, lower degree of market and specialization and so forth. Moreover, speed limit higher than 141 km per hour will be available between Lodz and other cities e.g. ".On the other hand, Paris, after the attacks in 2015, "has partially recovered its stability in the tourism sector in a record time, with a year-on-year growth of 7.4%".Looking ahead to the following years, 63% of executives in the MICE tourism sector expect an increase in virtual attendance at events, according to a survey carried out by the MPI (Meeting Professionals International) association among its associates.According to Rob Davidson, analyst of the IBTM fair (Incentives, Business Traveling, and Meetings), "we are talking about conferences in which there can be as many people inside the room as outside of it, that is, following the online attendance and intervention, thousands of miles away. @tforum2015 ha…,We’ve just checked in Naples. While in other parts of the world this history is even shorter (Bartoszewicz et al., 2003). Master plan provides also that by 2030 Lodz will be connected with Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, and largely with Cracow, Katowice by railway allowing speed 201-300 km per hour. Warsaw held 3586 meetings in the same year. The above mentioned factors were juxtaposed with the potential for development of creative human capital and the promotion of industrial heritage of Lodz which being appropriate managed could become distinguishing elements compared to other urban centres in Poland.Infrastructure is the basic requirement in the planning process of MICE events. Author(s) Xiaoning Dou, Keiwei Lei and Xiaohui Wang.

Direct spending is purchases of goods and services directly attributable to MCIE activities, such as MICE visitors’ spending on hotels. Every year, about a billion tourists … The activities necessary to create high feasibility strategy of the MICE development consist of tourist potential analysis, its objective assessment and business tourism development factors identification (Leśniewska, Moterski & Żek, 2012).According to Nawrocka (2013) the most important factors in the development of business tourism include: tourist attractiveness, higher education and research institutes, diverse cultural offer, sports and recreation facilities, good transport accessibility, high standard of tourist accommodation and congress infrastructure.For the purposes of this study selected factors were grouped together into two areas: infrastructure and image. A successful MICE industry is believed to have significant positive impact on a country’s economy. In the recent years the pace of change in this tourism sector in Poland has been very dynamic.
The remains of the industrial era, i.e. You can help correct errors and omissions. When a community is constantly inundated with tourists, it is more difficult for locals to form bonds that follow cultural norms. With almost 4000 events, Cracow was the leader. Lodz offers post-industrial architecture and technical monuments tourism which is a relatively new phenomenon in Poland and thus less popular (Jędrysiak, 2011).

Warsaw). Archaeological tourism can include all products associated with public archaeological promofion, including visits to archaeological sites. The frequency of meetings may depended on the needs of the moment or occur periodically in the established form, such as general meetings, committee meetings, etc.Incentives – motivating event included in the program, which is offered to the participants as a reward for efficient work results.
The figure increased to USD5.3 billion in 2012, an increase of 15.2% over the 2010 figure and a 10.41% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2004.