If this does not deter a hungry predator, the horned lizard will squirt blood, which is quite foul smelling, from its eyes.

tactic is much more for show than for stabbing predators, and the ribs are not Apparently, this was somewhat difficult at first, so the butterflies evolved a couple of rudimentary eyes for this purpose. Sea cucumbers have an interesting ability to defend themselves from would-be attackers. Rhinoceros, for . 15 Little Known Facts About Elephants

The potato beetle eats a poisonous plant called nightshade and through a series of abdominal contractions it covers itself in its own toxin containing feces. defense mechanisms take thousands of years to form, and only a couple of species If you would like to see and hear a manatee fart for yourself, check out the video above. They are named such because of practical names. creatures that pop into mind. (webecoist.momtastic.com). Deforestation, deep sea mining, over-fishing, global warming and human activities are a constant threat to these animals that play such an important role in maintaining the ecosystem. Supposedly, this makes them less likely targets of attack because they are constantly on the move instead of lying about all night like most mammals have the sense to do. Not enough is known about the species to tail is attached to the mouse with very loose skin. Additionally, the act itself will probably have scared off the predatory threat. The quills can rupture skin and even internal organs and are sharp enough to ward off attacks from lions, hyenas, leopards, etc.
This distracts the predator while the cucumber crawls into hiding. 15 Ridiculous Uses for Gold in space. They contract their bodies which causes them to eject their intestines and other organs at predators. Skunks are omnivores but will turn to trash and carrion when no fresh insects or honeybees, their favorite food, are available. It is banana yellow with five dark brown Some animals, however, have evolved with Top 15 Spider Myths Hobby | The hairy frog or “horror frog” actively breaks its own toe bones when threatened, which then puncture the skin resulting in a set of cat-like claws. Most of us have heard the expression, "playing possum."

There is a very good reason that this little turtle, which is vulnerable and now protected, has learned to breathe out of its butt.

more damage to attacking insects. Additionally, the whales only come to the water’s surface when the sea and weather conditions are very calm. During the day, the Motyxia sequoiae looks like your standard type of millipede, but at night, when threatened, these anthropods become bioluminescent. last line of defense, and though it does not do much to humans, the mechanism Take, for example, the “horror frog” (also known as the “hairy frog). many insect species would, the potato beetle reacts by adapting the make-up of

The caterpillar’s poop comes out in the form of small pellets, which it stores under a special anal “launching pad.” It pumps up its blood pressure directly below this tissue and fires its poop in pretty much the same way that a catapult fires a boulder.
The shock that the electric eel produces is enough to harm any large mammal, including humans. They are also vegetarians, so they don’t use their natural illumination to draw in prey. from this foot-long amphibian. These electricity producing organs take up around of 80% of the body of the electric eel leaving only 20% of the electric eels body free to hold the electric eels vital organs that it needs to survive.

These chemicals can be a potent defense against predatory insects. Because some fish eat the slow-moving sea cucumbers, they have evolved defenses you might expect to see only in sci-fi films. its proteinases involved in digestion. indicator of poison in nature. Cereal Leaf Beetles also adopt a similar mechanism of defense, encasing their poo in a secreted jelly-like mucus, like a stinky backpack. 15 Unusual and Less Known Uses of Rocks The broken bones would also take quite some (For more on the horror frog, check out the Oddee list: “10 Incredible Tales of Cracks”). Being one of the smallest species of toothed whales in the sperm whale family, the pygmy sperm whales have a developed a grotesque (but effective) defense mechanism. Others even have the ability to eject their cuvierian tubules, which are very 15 Exotic Insects That Are Harmful & Deadly

The Colorado potato beetle's defense is nothing like var sc_remove_link=1; Their predators cannot see them enabling them to escape unharmed from sharks and orcas. The ribs stick out through tubercles running down the newt's sides. So the

In fact, the most similar defensive mechanism is found in cephalopods (squid and octopus) which are ironically the Pygmy Sperm Whale’s favorite meal! This forms something aptly named a “fecal shield”. The beetle may carry the shield on its back or wield it upon its posterior end. vulnerable. The bones, which are exposed, are covered with a poison that can kill predators. They may look adorable, but they do not want to be messed with. When most people picture caterpillars, they might skip the crawling fellows altogether and think only of butterflies. senior citizens do not, however, become completely useless in their old age. . harmful to humans, since they are so small. little scary, plus the hard scales protect all the softer parts on a pangolin's Compunode.com Pvt. Heading our list is the cuttlefish. Inside the anus is a respiratory tree. species of horned lizards simply puff up their bodies to emphasize their horns Though their amazing musk can be smelled miles away, their vision is exceptionally weak, and most skunks can only see about 10 feet in front of them. sharp ribs that can puncture through its skin on its sides and stick out. Wikipedia. It shoots out a dark red stream of liquid from its anus when it feels threatened, which would presumably scare predators away.

10)  Skunk not in reference to the Asutralian possum but to the American opossum, known