If you’re unsure of how to start developing your career after graduation, you may consider joining one of the many graduate training schemes which many large and international companies run. Whether you’re seeking entry into the world of business or looking to progress your career towards a management position, our business and management courses have much to offer you. Directory, News But, for most people, the answer to the question “why study business?” is best answered by reference to possible careers with a business degree. Financial Management A broad selection of individual courses, both for-credit and noncredit. While you shouldn’t expect a huge business degree salary as soon as you graduate, the skills and knowledge gained from a business degree should facilitate your career progression, making it easier to climb into management-level positions with higher salaries. Office Hours: How Much Does it Cost to Study in Germany? Phone: (212) 220-8205. It was last updated in December 2018. Access to online resources designed to help you succeed. You can categorize types of business degrees by level (i.e. Some of the areas of study likely to be covered by different types of business degrees, either directly or as supplementary elements, include: At undergraduate level, and on some graduate-level business degrees, students are able to gain a foundation in many of these aspects of the business world, before choosing a specialization.

During your business degree, you’ll develop a broad knowledge of business operations as well as gaining targeted skills in your specific field, such as customers, markets, finance, operations, strategy, business policy, communications and IT.

Students The BBM degree is designed to teach students the skills necessary to perform leadership roles in the business and corporate world. Accessibility

You could also use your business degree to pursue roles within SMEs (small- to medium-sized enterprises), innovative new start-ups, charities, non-profit organizations and NGOs.

According to NACE’s Fall 2018 Salary Survey the average starting business degree salary was reported to vary depending on the specialization: For those studying at master’s level, business degree salary expectations are likely to be higher. University courses in the fields of business and management are among the most popular worldwide, at both undergraduate and graduate levels of study. Bachelor of Business Management (BBM), sometimes known as a Bachelor of Management Studies, is an undergraduate program of four years. The diversity and plenitude of careers with a business degree underlies the subject’s appeal for many students. Directions you want to study in by taking our quick survey. If a top salary is important to you, it may be worth researching the latest salary trends and forecasts for different business specializations, as well as looking into the regions of the world which are reporting the highest demand for business graduates. As already mentioned, earnings potential is at the heart of what motivates many business students.

Three of these lead to an Associate in Science Degree (A.S.), and two of them to an Associate in Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.). New York, NY 10007

The mission of the A.S. programs is to prepare students to pursue a Baccalaureate program by providing them with an introductory foundation of core business courses as well as an array of liberal arts studies.

It is called as Commerce BSCom Bachelor of science in c… Meanwhile MBA (Master of Business Administration) and Executive MBA programs are targeted at those who have already gained significant professional experience, and typically have more of a focus on professional development. Text-only Version, Information for:

These often allow graduates to spend time completing traineeships in different parts of the business, and often different regions of the world, before opting for a particular career track to pursue. (212) 220-8205 Please login or register to post comment above our articles. A management course can cover a variety of topics about a wide range of skills applicable in numerous organizations.