A Saturn retrograde will ask us to get our lives in order, to take responsibility and to grow up. They are always hyper-focused on the finish line.

By performing pious activities, one accrues good karmic credits and attains a higher birth in which one can enjoy without any difficulties.

If you have people in your life hanging onto that and judging you for it, the universe is sending the message to cut those ones out. Are they?

Taurus, returns to your natal chart's location, are times of great reward for you. Well Capricorn, Saturn is passing through your chart right now.

Your bills will come due. Responsibility will be a major concern in your actions. He teaches us by placing the roadblocks in front of us. SATURN RETROGRADE will be serious about getting it right this time.

This is going to be a great year for you karmically. It's also going to be a clean start.

Because Saturn is a slow-moving planet, transits from Saturn to a natal planet normally last two and a half months; if any of our natal planets fall within the degrees of Saturn's retrograde transit, however, the resulting transits may add up to eleven months overall. Saturn is often considered to represent our life’s work or the area of our life where we will have to work hard, be disciplined and responsible. Think carefully about what unconscious patterns from the past – or from a past life – you might be repeating.

So you made a mistake.

Those in your life offering unconditional love will. Embrace these opportunities to do right and wipe those slates clean. In the event that Captain Obvious hasn’t shone through the message yet, here it is. On April 29th, the Saturn Retrograde will take place at 20-degree Capricorn.
Saturn in Leo shows improper use of one’s will or authority, rigid, lack of confidence and self-esteem, fear of expressing oneself (including creatively), fear of, giving love. Further, they easily sacrifice there needs in order to fulfill it for others by these people to become depressing at the end. Living in the illusionary world can lead to misguiding. Saturn Starts Moving Retrograde April 29th: Karma Is Coming — Time For... , the Saturn Retrograde will take place at 20-degree Capricorn. It’s either going to be really, really good, or, there’s going to be a wrinkle or two.

When you repair your mistakes with re-sponsibility, the rewards Saturn sends in retrograde are truly breathtaking. As the traditional ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn is the master architect of the zodiac by representing the way we respond to authority, status, and discipline in our lives.

Saturn passes through approximately one zodiac sign every two years. Do you really want to blow off that lover?

RELATED: The PERFECT Careers For Each Of The Zodiac Signs.

Saturn in Aries can also create difficulty for the person to stay motivated, which can lead to distraction and hopelessness. This is a double whammy of a karmic time then.

This is one key reason that Saturn retrograde transits are important: very easily, Saturn transits can dominate an entire year of our lives. You are not perfect. Plus, if you are pessimistic, then, this time will make drown into negativity further. They have great remembrance ability.

The same “re” themes apply here that applied during Mercury retrograde: Review, reflect, remember, resolve, reconnect, repair, and so on. Your Libra Season 2020 Horoscope Is Here: This Is How It Will Affect Each... Align Your Intuition With Your Physical Senses With The Power Of Prayer.

Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb and search for creative solutions to problems. Saturn is sending you clues all the time, and sometimes sending outright thunder bolts of responsibility. Here’s the breaking news on Saturn retrograde. You will learn more about your sadness and how you can address that issue. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction this is divine law. If your Saturn was retrograde at the time of your birth, the zodiac sign and degree matters. Do you really want to cut corners at work or treat employees unfairly? Saturn is like the consummate father figure.

Secretive nature can become harmful too. You’re gonna get there Sagittarius. Don′t let anyone interfere with them. Similar to all retrograde transits, Saturn's retrograde periods are excellent for reviewing what we have learned thus far from Saturn's transits with a view to continuous improvement.