Preservation of the tropical forest is imperative to gibbon survival - if it disappears, so do the gibbons. They live in both the tropical and sub tropical regions. Zookeepers teach people about gibbons, and how we should be conserving their natural habitat. The content in this site was created from the following resources. Beobachtungen der beiden letzten Gruppen im Jahre 2008 zeigten, dass diese neun bis sechs Individuen beinhalten. The gibbons will have clefts, deep clefts on their hands with this being between their 1st and 2nd digits.

[3], Nahar (Mesua ferrea) dominates the middle canopy with its spreading crown, casting fairly heavy shade over a wide area. Gibbons were the first apes to diverge from the common ancestor of humans and apes about 16.8 million years ago. [3], Although the sanctuary is currently completely surrounded by tea gardens and a few small villages, it used to connect to a large forest tract that ran to the state of Nagaland.

FRP 37/97/20.

[1][3] On 25 May 2004, the Assam Government renamed it as the "Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary" through notification no.

1 Jahr lang gesäugt. Die Anzahl der Mitglieder einer Gruppe bei Hainan-Schopfgibbons ist hoch. Set aside as a "Reserve Forest" (RF) on 27 August 1881,[3] it was named after its dominant tree species, Hollong or Dipterocarpus macrocarpus. The behavior of these primates varies from species to species, but they are primarily social creatures. Mostly, the gibbons like ripe and pulp fruits so in effect, it is only going to be animals such as birds and squirrels which they are going to be in competition with when it comes to their food supplies. Die Verfügbarkeit von Nahrung ist von Februar bis April vermutlich begrenzt. Your contribution will be appreciated to improve our site. No, gibbons do not make good pets. ), Tora (Alpinia allughas), Kaupat (Phrynium imbricatum), and Sorat (Laported cremulata). [3][4], The tea gardens include Katonibari, Murmurai, Chenijan, Koliapani, Meleng, Kakojan, Dihavelleoguri, Dihingapar, Kothalguri, Dissoi and Hoolonguri. They can also have body parts that are white or black.

Gibbons are lesser apes, because they are smaller than the “great apes.” They differ significantly from the great apes, which include chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutans. Merkmale. You may hear them called the Lesser Apes at times too. They live primarily in tropical rainforest and other jungles. The Gibbon doesn’t reach maturity until they are from 7 to 8 years of age. Meet a few gibbon species, and learn about what makes them so interesting, below. Gibbon, (family Hylobatidae), any of approximately 20 species of small apes found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia.Gibbons, like the great apes (gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and bonobos), have a humanlike build and no tail, but gibbons seem to lack higher cognitive abilities and self-awareness. [3][4] The growing populations of tea garden workers also threatens the habitat since many people rely on the forest for firewood, traditional medicine and food.

[4] At the time, it was considered an "integral part" of the foothill forests of the Patkai mountain range.

At least 219 species of bird and several types of snake are known to live in the park. Though, the gibbons do have longer feet and hands than many other primates.

They can be various shades of brown from light to dark. They have wrist with a ball and socket joint.

Gibbons in zoos and rehabilitation centers are important for the survival of the species. Die Überlebenschancen von Säuglingen kann bis zu 92 % betragen. There is usually only one born at a time but some reports of twins have been reported. Subadulte Tiere verlassen die Gruppen oder werden mit ca. Other species that make up the middle canopy include Bandordima (Dysoxylum procerum), Dhuna (Conarium resiniferum), Bhomora (Terminalia belerica), Ful Gomari (Gmelina sp.) The Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary derives from a patch of forest once part of the Hollongapar Reserve Forest in the civil district of Jorhat in Assam, India.

Different species have different preferences, some live in mountainous regions while others live near sea level.

They are very aggressive when it comes to defending their territory and their groups. Einst war der Hainan-Schopfgibbon auf ganz Hainan verbreitet. The Gibbon consumes a variety of different types of foods. 5,5 Jahren vertrieben.

Van Ngoc Thinh, Alan R. Mootnick, Vu Ngoc Thanh, Tilo Nadler, Christian Roos: Jiang Zhou, Fuwen Wei, Ming Li, Chan Bosco Pui Lok, Deli Wang: John R. Fellowes, Chan Bosco Pui Lok, Zhou Jiang, Chen Shenghua, Yang Shibin, Ng Sai Chit: Mingxia Zhang, John R. Fellowes, Xuelong Jiang, Wei Wang, Bosco P. L. Chan, Guopeng Ren, Jianguo Zhu: A new species of crested gibbon, from the central Annamite mountain range. Humans have not domesticated gibbons in any way. They follow a pattern in their home range so that they are able to take advantage of what fruits grow in a given location at any particular time. Die Paarungschancen sind jedoch eingeschränkt, was vermutlich abnormales Verhalten widerspiegelt – ein Streitpunkt über viele Jahre hinweg. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Tweets Während die Männchen diese Fellfarbe ihr Leben lang behalten, bekommen die Weibchen mit der Geschlechtsreife ein bräunlich-gelbbraunes Fell. Expanding gibbons’ habitat a way to beat risks posed by low birth rate, climate change; Topic | Animals. The gibbon loves fruits and can often be found near fruit trees lurking intently! Russell A. Mittermeier, Anthony B. Rylands, Don E. Wilson: Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 1.

DISTRIBUTION The different species of gibbons live in different parts of southeast Asia, from China to the Malay peninsula, Burma, and North Sumatra.