When Kaiser Permanente opened, my applications were also initially rejected. Read through both techniques and see which might work better.This approach works particularly well for:Any extracurricular essay about overcoming a challenge,Any social issue essay, for example that asks “What are you interested in?” or “What’s one problem you would like to solve?”,“Musk’s delivery isn’t stellar. ].If you can find one uncommon connection you can find two, if you can find two you can find three, and if you can find three then you have enough content for a 350-word essay.
Keep ‘em short!This essay uses the montage approach and does not name a specific problem.

a passion project that’s really cool and that makes you stand out?What if, for example, you won a Certificate of Merit in the 9th grade for playing violin and you’re still in the orchestra but it’s not a really big deal to you because your REAL passion--the thing that keeps you up ‘til 3am-- is your passion for constructed languages. As I’ve said, if you spend some quality time thinking about your bullet points, you’ll have all the content you need for this section.Many students skip this step, but it can be useful in helping us understand your particular gifts, skills, and strengths. If a school makes it optional, probably still write it. And I had the southern ladies to back me up. 8 Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block. But they don’t see what I see. The mission trip? As part of the DCS committee, it is my goal to increase the confidence of as many youth and families as possible.During my training, I accompanied volunteers during the Home Fire Preparedness Campaign, where we installed and updated smoke alarms and detectors in over thirty low income households in the Reno area, free of charge. Sometimes I imagine performing for the king in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the santur sounds echoing through the Seven Hills of Jerusalem.Today, some Americans view Iran as a land of terrorists, but when I play the innocent of Iran, the educated, the artists, the innovators, come to life. What if you’ve been a part of both:something very personal that has a strong WHY component (passion project), and,something less personal that has an impressive WOW (rockstar achievement).In general, if your rockstar achievement has......then I’d say write about your rockstar achievement.The first, kind of superficial reason is this:Readers are zipping through your application at a pretty good clip and while they are somewhat interested in who you are (which is what I think your main personal statement is for) they’re also interested in what you’ve done. I never missed one, worked hard, and acted as team manager.

Rockstar.Want to know how to write an amazing activity?Cool. Example of the Extracurricular Activity Essay Prompt . How do you show them what years of work look like in just a few hundred words? She's held multiple writing positions and has experience writing about everything from furniture to higher education to nutrition and exercise.Join thousands of students and parents getting exclusive high school, test prep, and college admissions information.←How to Write a Stellar Extracurricular Essay,How to Write the Diversity College Essay →.It’s clear that music is a passion for the author, and that energy comes through in the essay. Although the magnitudes of these quakes ranged from 2.5 to 3.7, the constant fear and anxiety of impending doom rose in the community. Here’s how it works:Describe the challenge you were (or are currently) facing. (See above for more.) In addition, we have a blog for aspiring writers to publish their work and are holding a shoe drive for underprivileged athletes.As vice president of finances for C3, I work to ensure we can fund these activities.