'Because the Oligocene epoch is the time when filter feeding and echolocation first evolved, and since marine mammal localities of that time are scarce worldwide, the fossils from Charleston offer the most complete window into the early evolution of these groups, offering unparalleled evolutionary insight. He usually travels with a large group of conspecifics and has been reported all over the Southern California Bight, from the Mexican Border to the Santa Barbara Channel.“The skin underneath appears pink because of the blood vessels of the animal showing through their non-pigmented skin.“These marine mammals can be between 6-12-feet long and weigh close to 1,400 pounds when they’re fully grown, so it was a thrilling sight for all our passengers to witness.”.Highlighted, of course, by the high-flying dolphin.The NHL glorifies the violence of the sport all the while denying the lasting damage it can do to a player’s body.“What possible excuse do you have for not bringing in a guy who went to a Super Bowl?”.Michael Jordan and Denny Hamlin are starting a new NASCAR team with Bubba Wallace as their driver.No Christmas games, but this would be the right call.WWE 2K is back, but this time as a zany arcade-style party game.An Idaho hunter who was attacked by a grizzly bear Friday might have saved his own life – with help from his companion – by deploying (…).It’s too early to give up on him, but there’s reason for real concern.Whale watchers off California received an unexpected dolphin show when one from a pod launched high into the sky right next to the boat.https://ftw.usatoday.com/2020/03/watch-dolphin-launches-like-a-rocket-near-whale-watchers,Watch: Dolphin launches like a rocket near whale watchers,I found this on FTW and wanted to share:

Giant killer sperm whales had massive teeth and likely preyed upon smaller whale species, while today's sperm whales eat mostly giant squid.After killer sperm whales faded away about 5 million years ago, the ecological spot was open until the evolution of killer whales during the ice ages, roughly 2 million years ago. Genus Orcaella (Irrawaddy dolphin) 2 coastal species of eastern India, Southeast Asia, and northern Australia.

Hutchinson announces additional 486 confirmed, 112 probable COVID-19 cases Tuesday,WATCH: Gov. I once adopted a Dolphin called Star who lived in the Moray Firth. Whale, whale, whale, look what we have here.From the lab to your inbox. “Because the Oligocene epoch is the time when filter feeding and echolocation first evolved, and since marine mammal localities of that time are scarce worldwide, the fossils from Charleston offer the most complete window into the early evolution of these groups.”.Copyright 2020 Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. All rights reserved. That’s not all!

Tourism has all but dried up. Make sure your camera is fully charged.As you can see, Scotland is spoilt for choice when it comes to wildlife spotting. A giant 16-foot long dolphin has been discovered that lived 25 million years ago and was an apex predator.The prehistoric beast feasted on large-bodied prey, like the killer whale does today.Scientists have given a detailed description of the first nearly complete skeleton of the extinct dolphin, discovered in what is now South Carolina in the US.This illustration shows a life restoration of a pod of Ankylorhiza tiedemani hunting. In cetology, the study of whales and other cetaceans, a blowhole is the hole (or spiracle) at the top of the head through which the animal breathes air.

'The fossil record has really cracked open this long, winding evolutionary path, and fossils like Ankylorhiza help illuminate how this happened. Oh yes. Cardigan Bay, Wales

> Whale and dolphin species guide There are 90 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises, known collectively as "cetaceans".

Some of the species spotted are Basking Sharks, Bottlenose Dolphins, Minke Whales, Orca, Humpback Whales, Long Finned Pilot Whales and the Sperm Whale.As you can see the United Kingdom has quite a few spots to see Whales and Dolphins in the wild.