Pain in right eye as if it were torn asunder, as if inner portion would be torn out. Pain in urethra, as from excoriation, especially when it is touched. Aching pains in hepatic region. N. O. Rosaceae. As swelling abated, breathing became rapid, great oppression with constantly recurring desire to take a long breath, felt as if air inhaled did not reach pit of stomach, and till she could force air so far down had to yawn and try to take a deep inspiration. The leaves are oval, 2–4.5 centimetres (0.79–1.77 in) long and 1.2–2 centimetres (0.47–0.79 in) broad, with a serrated margin. Sensation as if sprained in right thumb, hindering one from writing, cannot hold the pen. Ascites, with loss of appetite, scanty urine, hard, knotty stool, which is difficult to pass. The shrub, with its savage thorns, is traditionally used in Britain and other parts of northern Europe to make a cattle-proof hedge. Urine reaches glans penis and then returns. Sprains. Nose. It has smooth, dark brown bark with straight side shoots that become thorned.

Very little is needed in the way of care for Prunus spinosa.

They provide food and nesting space for a variety of birds with protection from prey due to the spiny branches. Tenesmus of bladder. (Fincke) removed the symptoms. Dysuria, flatulent. Soreness of axillary glands. 1m. Cystitis. Head. Much offensive water involuntarily discharged from rectum at night by one suffering from ascites, whereupon the swelling in right abdomen steadily decreased, and disappeared in eight days. Pressing-asunder pains in right ear, like earache. Eyes, Bell.

The urinary symptoms are perhaps the most peculiar of all. Headache as if from sun. Tenesmus of bladder, every half-hour for eight hours. Frequent sneezing. The leaves are oval, 2–4.5 centimetres (0.79–1.77 in) long and 1.2–2 centimetres (0.47–0.79 in) broad, with a serrated margin. Hernia. [21][22] Wine made from fermented sloes is made in Britain, and in Germany and other central European countries. Scanty and brown urine. Pain, as from ulceration in loins.

Toothache better biting teeth together. With such an extensive habitat, there must be some innovative uses for blackthorn berries and other interesting tidbits of information about blackthorn plants. cerasifera. Cramp-like pains in rectum. As if inner portion of eye would be torn out. was proved by Wahle. [3], Blackthorn usually grows as a bush but can grow to become a tree to a height of 6 m. Its branches usually grow forming a tangle. Heart, affection of. Bright yellow urine, with whitish, and sometimes a sky-blue colored sediment. The urinary symptoms are perhaps the most peculiar of all. Reeled and staggered back and forth. It is in flower from March to April, and the seeds ripen in October. Sighing as if climbing a steep mountain. With such an extensive habitat, there must be some innovative uses for blackthorn berries and other interesting tidbits of information about blackthorn plants. Stitches between shoulder-blades on drawing a long breath.

Painful jerks in forehead shooting back. Glaucoma. [14], The juice is used in the manufacture of fake port wine, and used as an adulterant to impart roughness to genuine port, into the 20th century. Beneficial insects, Attractive to Mucous, clammy, or bitter taste in mouth.

Pains in hips at night, before midnight. The purpose is to encourage and share knowledge through different platforms to help you be a better Homeopath. Pulsation in glans from jar of walking. Sloes preserved in vinegar are similar in taste to Japanese umeboshi. While a small amount of raw berry will probably have little effect, the berries do contain hydrogen cyanide, which in larger doses may definitely have toxic effect. Breast, pain in. Its dense growth makes it suitable for hedges. The flowers are about 1.5 centimetres (1 ⁄ 2 in) in diameter, with five creamy-white petals; they are produced shortly before the leaves in early … stenopetala (Clavaud) Rouy & E.G.Camus, 1900 Prunus spinosa var. [citation needed], Prunus spinosa has a tetraploid (2n=4x=32) set of chromosomes. The names related to 'sloe' come from the common Germanic root slaihwō. The white flowers, about 2 cm (0.8 inch) in diameter, have five petals and appear before the leaves. It grows well in a variety of soil types from sun to partial sun exposures. Even very moderate motion worse beats of heart fearfully. As if tongue had been burned. Dreams of furunculi, or of salt things. The symptoms resemble those of Pru. Pressing asunder headache so violent that he almost lost his reason. Constant nausea, with dislike to all food, and diarrhoea. prunus spinosa 30 prunus spinosa homeopathy materia medica prunus spinosa medicinal uses prunus spinosa q prunus spinosa side effects. Blackthorn is a large, dense thicket forming 20-25 shrub/small tree for hedges and wild areas; its spiny branches are crowded with masses of small brilliant-white spring flowers which are followed by abundant, shiny, black, bitter fruits used in preserves and also to make that wonderfully exhilarating drink sloe gin, fine orange autumn color gives all the more reason to add one to the hedgerow.

Characteristics. As if inner portion of eye would be torn out. Binding sensations in ear.