2015. 2015. He has done much work in Russia, where he has conducted research on the 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games and the 2018 World Cup.

For this it works with cross-case comparison and bivariate regression modelling, using different definitions of impacts as dependent variables and a suite of potential driving factors, relating to planning processes, interests, biases, governance and complexity. In contrast to these approaches, this project focuses on the multiple realities enacted simultaneously in mega-event host cities.

The mega-event syndrome: why so much goes wrong in mega-event planning and what to do about it M Müller Journal of the American Planning Association 81 (1), 6-17 , 2015 Journal of the American Planning Association 81 (1):6–17. Müller, Martin.

doi: 10.1080/01944363.2015.1038292. Journal of the American Planning Association 81 (1):6–17. 190, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland; b School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT Birmingham, UK (Received 4 July 2014; accepted 12 November 2014) There is considerable ambiguity about what …

Module 2 seeks to establish what factors are associated with what kinds of impacts. What makes an event a mega-event? In so doing, this project demonstrates the ambiguities inherent in hosting mega-events, expands policy mobilities beyond a linear conceptualization of mobilization/mutation, and grounds multiplicities thinking in the sociomaterial landscape of the city. 1. The Centre aims to increase the visibility of VUB urban research and develops and supports transdisciplinary research projects in the domain of urban studies. ‘What Makes an Event a Mega-Event? He does research on the impacts and planning of mega-events. Müller, Martin.

Scarlett Cornelissen, Stellenbosch University | Blog post. A human geographer, Martin Müller works on the planning, organisation and impacts of mega-events such as the Olympic Games and the Football World Cup. doi: 10.1080/01944363.2015.1038292. He has done much work in Russia, where he has conducted research on the 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games and the 2018 World Cup. Mega-events (7–10 points): mega-events need to have an XL size on at least three of the four dimensions, but not more than two XXL sizes. Researchers: Müller Martin (Thesis supervisor), Wolfe Sven Daniel (Doctoral candidate) Mega-events like the World Cup have a documented history of profound effects on the cities that host them. Some scholars, too, have claimed that mega-events are catalysts for urban development and “accelerate [a city’s] infrastruc-tural development by … The project is situated between the disciplines of geography, sociology, organisation studies and sports and leisure studies, drawing on each to better understand how organisers try to rise to the challenge of preparing for mega-events with scrupulous advance planning. Journal of the American Planning Association , 81 ( 1 ) pp. This project – Phase 2 of the Swiss National Science Foundation Professorship – proposes to establish the size, costs and impacts of a longitudinal sample of 66 mega-events since 1960 and the driving factors behind these impacts.

His conceptual interests revolve around actor-network theory, mobilities and the socio-material, translocal composition of the world. As a practical implication, the project will provide transparent and comparable information on the impacts of mega-events that a range of stakeholders concerned with bidding for or hosting mega-events – policy-makers, governing bodies, the media, citizens – can draw on to make informed decisions about bidding and hosting.4. First, it will provide the first longitudinal record on the size, costs and impacts of the largest mega-events. At the same time, their complexity and tendency to exceed budgets make them highly risky undertakings. Takeaway for practice: To curb the mega-event syndrome, I propose both radical and incremental policy suggestions.

Leisure Studies 34 (6):627–42. These challenges require a departure from plans and bring forth improvisation. It will consider three types of mega-events: (1)the Olympic Summer and Winter Games as a uni-local sports event (2)the Football World Cup as a multi-local sports event (3)the World’s Fairs (Expos) as a uni-local non-sports event The project is split into two modules. characteristics of mega-events and how events vary across these characteristics to finally propose a matrix of classification for large events into three size classes: major events, mega-events and giga-events (Table3). Martin Müller, University of Zurich. doi: 10.1080/02614367.2014.993333. (Open access CC-BY) Mega-events are the most common among current large events.