Presence in the Middle-Eastern bolstered by an associated office in Qatar.The deepest international arbitration bench in Switzerland.

Juris, New York,Newman LW, Radine MJ (eds) (2014) Soft law in international arbitration. To purchase multiple licenses please call 1-800-638-8437.Please enter the email address and password used at registration.Your account is locked due to too many failed login attempts. Looseleaf updating service,Mustill M, Boyd S (2001) Commercial arbitration: companion volume. Control and Sanction under Swiss law,Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on commercial arbitration in Geneva.Arbitration Law Reform in Switzerland: William Tell’s Apple-shot?Causation in International Investment Law: Putting Article 23.2 of the India Model BIT into Context,Claims for breach of representations and warranties,Report on LALIVE Lecture – Professor McLachlan’s Examination of the Assault on International Adjudication and the Limits of Withdrawal,Chronique de jurisprudence suisse – Loi fédérale sur le droit international privé (LDIP) (2011-2019) – Chapitre 12 : Arbitrage international,Representing an ultra-high net worth individual from the MENA region in a USD 3.1 billion dispute conducted under the ICC Rules of Arbitration regarding the dissolution of a partnership and the division of jointly-held assets (seat: Geneva; applicable law of MENA country; language: English),Representing a State-owned Southern European company in several gas pricing arbitrations, including a recent USD 800 million,Representing a State-owned telecommunications company from a South American country in a CIAC arbitration and parallel competition infringement proceedings concerning a joint venture for the development of transnational fibre optic connections in South America (seat and law of South American State; language: Spanish),Representing a Swiss energy trading company in a USD 105 million UNCITRAL arbitration with a Romanian energy producer regarding the breach of energy supply agreements (seat: Bern; applicable law: Swiss; language: English),Representing an instrumentality of a Middle Eastern State in a USD 270 million arbitration conducted under the ICC Rules of Arbitration with a European and Middle Eastern joint venture concerning a major transport infrastructure project (seat and law of Middle Eastern State; language: English).Representing a major consumer goods multinational, in a USD 55 million arbitration conducted under the Swiss Rules against a contractor concerning defects in the construction of an office building (seat: Geneva; applicable law: Swiss; language: French).Presiding arbitrator in a USD 1.6 billion dispute conducted under the ICC Rules of Arbitration relating to the contractual determination of the price of natural gas (seat: Stockholm; applicable law: Swedish),Presiding arbitrator in a USD 1.1 billion dispute conducted under the ICC Rules of Arbitration arising out of a contract for the engineering, procurement and construction of a gas complex in Algeria (seat: Paris; applicable law: Algerian),Presiding arbitrator in a USD 278 million LCIA arbitration between an energy company and an individual arising from a representation agreement in respect of opportunities in the oil and gas sector in an African country (seat: London; applicable law: English),Co-arbitrator in a USD 1.9 billion multiparty dispute conducted under the ICC Rules of Arbitration arising out of alleged breaches of an agreement for the construction of a major facility in the energy sector (seat: Stockholm; applicable law: Finnish),Co-arbitrator in a KCAB (Rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board) arbitration concerning mobile technology (seat: Seoul; applicable law: Korean and German),Sole Arbitrator in an arbitration under the CEPANI Rules concerning a dispute relating to the development of tourism facilities in the Caribbean (seat: Brussels; applicable law: Belgian),Co-arbitrator in proceedings under the DIAC Rules of International Arbitration concerning a USD 650 million arbitration relating to works at Dubai International Airport (seat: Dubai; applicable law: Dubai),Sole Arbitrator in a Swiss Rules arbitration between a Western European producer of agricultural products and an Eastern European trading company concerning the sale of grains (seat: Zurich; applicable law: English).

Possesses particular knowledge of representing clients from the MENA region." Vis Moot. Intersentia, Cambridge/Antwerp/Portland.

), Getting the Deal Through – Sovereign Immunity 2020, pp. Kluwer, The Hague,French Law: Vidal D (2004) Droit francais de la’arbitrage commercial international. "Top-drawer multi-disciplinary team that benefits from offices in Geneva, Zürich and Doha. The firm boasts some of the country’s very best counsel and arbitrators, who are experienced in a range of international commercial arbitrations.Lalive is “home to some of the best in the business”, (…) “it is difficult to think of many firms with more strength in depth”.The firm really is in a league of its own. DISCOVERY MADE AVAILABLE FOR COMMERCIAL ARBITRATIONS OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES – RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES,Noradèle Radjai and Melissa Magliana are elected to the Board of ASA,LALIVE provides strong support to the Graduate Institute’s MIDS programme,Isabella Cannatà elected to AIA-ArbIt-40’s Executive Committee,Ten LALIVE practitioners ranked as Future Leaders in Arbitration.LALIVE is 'one of the most effective law firms in Switzerland' and its sizeable team 'works very hard trying to produce the best results for its clients' and 'collaborates well in other jurisdictions'.Clients appreciate the team's "deep bench of talent and highly qualified people, which means there is always someone there to jump on to something” and report that the team is "very client-oriented, prompt and at the same time, precise.

Juris, New York,USA: Gaitis JM (ed) (2014) The college of commercial arbitrators’ guide to best practices in commercial arbitration. 8, Issue 2, pp. 2013.This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The second section examines the ‘Three Pillars’ of commercial arbitration: agreement; autonomy from judicial interference (substantial, not complete); cross-border enforcement of awards.Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips,© 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. One interviewee was particularly impressed by "the phenomenal amount of work they do" and reported: "They leave no stone unturned and miss nothing, it is quite phenomenal. Generally, there are two types of arbitration agreements: arbitration clause, and submission agreement.

Experienced handling disputes in a variety of industry sectors, such as life sciences, hospitality, energy and construction. Particularly active in the energy, construction and telecoms sectors and, increasingly, in finance and post-M&A corporate disputes. 2020,Augustin Barrier, Lea Murphy,

83-96, January 2020,In: Edward Poulton (Ed.