Killers Myra Hindley and Rose West are the only other women to be handed a whole-life tariff. Even the place many consider to be the origin of all things refined has its dark side. ".Dubbed The Merry Widow of Windy Nook, Wilson worked her way through three husbands and a lodger in 26 months, collecting inheritances from each of the hapless men. ".Hospital staff struggled to explain the deaths of four children aged two months to 11 years in less than two months at the Grantham and Kesteven Hosptial, Lincolnshire.The first casualty, eight-week-old Liam Taylor, was admitted to Ward 4 with what seemed a mild chest infection but he died suddenly from an undiagnosed heart condition. "Bill" then boasted in the pub that she had been the last person to see Chadwick alive making the detective work relatively simple. Her … He planted screens of trees near the farmhouse so that guests could frolic naked and villagers started calling the farmhouse Kinky Cottage.Teacher Paul Sutcliffe returned home from work to find the bodies of his 39-year-old wife Jeanne and eight-month-old daughter Heidi with their throats cut.Murder squad detectives posed as dustmen as they believed the killer would try to get rid of the murder weapon, an axe, in household rubbish. Women in whom a malice and evil exists that twists them into the completely incomprehensible — female serial killers who show the darkness possible inside a human being. The Sunday Express unlocks the crime vaults to reveal the gory trail of women who kill.Dorothea was a self-titled nurse. A loving relationship can be an oasis in uncertain times, but nurturing it requires attention, honesty, openness, vulnerability, and gratitude.There is a popularly held myth that serial killers are all men. But then detectives decided to dig deeper into her past and the sudden death of her second husband Julian Webb (above).They pieced together the workings of a consummate conwoman who had variously claimed she was dying from cancer, had won the lottery, had signed a lucrative contract with the Disney Corporation, was being hunted by the Mafia for money and had a wealthy benefactor willing to bankroll her and any partner's new life in America.Heather Stephenson-Snell, a 46-yearold psychotherapist, vowed revenge on her former boyfriend when he started dating a new love. Elizabeth was a countess from the renowned Báthory family in Hungary. The court heard that volatile Andrews had regularly attacked Harvey during their two-year relationship. The ploy worked when 50-year-old Heather Arnold, a fellow maths teacher at Kingsdown Comprehensive School in Warminster, discarded the charred pieces of an axe handle.Ruth Ellis became a cause celebre as the last woman to be hanged in Britain.The 28-year-old's execution sparked outrage with 50,000 people signing a petition for her reprieve. She was found guilty of murder and sentenced to a minimum 14-year term. As late as 1998, a highly regarded former FBI profiler said, "There are no female serial killers."

Here are the 5 most famous female serial killers you need to know about. Female serial killers generally operate in a specific place that they know well, such as their home, or a health care facility where they are employed. From the "Little Old Lady Killer" to the "soap maker of Correggio," these are some of the most prolific and horrifying female serial killers throughout history. “Female serial killing: Review and case report.” Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 16 (3), pp. Between 1978 and 1980, the Gallegos killed a total of 10 victims, mostly female,A notable exception to the typical characteristics of female serial killers was the notorious highway prostitute Aileen Wuornos, who killed outdoors instead of at home, used a gun instead of poison, killed strangers instead of friends or family, and killed for personal gratification and vengeance. The couple had subjected their victims to horrific sexual violence before they were killed, dismembering and burying the bodies beneath their house at 25 Cromwell Street, Gloucester.West, 60, is still an inmate at HMP Low Newton, Brasside, Durham and at the start of her sentence was held at the same secure prison as Hindley.

Her past is intertwined with East London's criminal underworld and one detective said: "Every man she has ever been involved with is either in prison or dead.