Of the 23 lines established between 1873 and 1890, only three remain (one of which combines parts of two earlier lines): two routes from downtown near Union Square to Fisherman's Wharf, and a third route along California Street. There were no participants from the SFMTA Cable Car Division in the 2010 contest, due to gripmen and conductors choosing to boycott the contest because of labor/management strife.
San Francisco is one of the few places in the world where people can ride on a national historic landmark.

On 25 September 1883, a test of a cable car system was held by Liverpool United Tramways and Omnibus Company in Kirkdale, Liverpool. Queue not to large at 09:30 in the morning, managed to get a space on the running board which is what I wanted. The final shutdown came during a time when the entire street railway system – and “system” might be an exaggeration, given how much maintenance was deferred during the 1930s – was being scrapped and replaced with electric-powered so-called “trackless trolley” buses, along with traditional gas or diesel coaches.

These systems are fully automated and run on their own reserved right of way. By 2017, the San Francisco Chronicle described the cable cars as a "cash cow" for Muni, yielding a yearly revenue of around $30 million.[12]. While the wooden trestle is indeed long-gone, there is a fairly significant artifact of the Yesler route still in place at Leschi Park, with no shovel (or permit) required to find it. Date of experience: February 2020. After examining code requirements, etc, I realized that a full sized ramp would take up a lot of space and be very expensive. The car barn is situated directly above the power house and the Cable Car Museum.

Erskine Hazard, Observations upon Rail-roads, Liverpool United Tramways and Omnibus Company, The Franklin Journal and American Mechanics' Magazine, "St. Charles Avenue Streetcar Line, 1835", a scripophily based article re. Cable cars are distinct from funiculars, where the cars are permanently attached to the cable. well worth the time and money. You can hear Feliks every Wednesday and Friday morning on Seattle’s Morning News and read more from him here. This company's first line was on California Street and is the oldest cable car line still in operation. Passes loaded on a Clipper card can be read by the conductor with a mobile device. This connection exists to enable California Street cars to reach the car barn.
The cable car system connects at both its terminals on Market Street with the F Market heritage streetcar line. “It has a central bench with a roof over it, but only poles supporting it.”. 's cable cars were saved after an uphill battle", The Eight Original San Francisco Cable Car Companies, San Francisco's iconic cable cars cost city millions of dollars in legal settlements, "Cable car line turns 125 / S.F. The first cable-operated railway, employing a moving rope that could be picked up or released by a grip on the cars was the Fawdon Wagonway in 1826, a Colliery railway line. “One of the advantages of a cable car in a hilly environment is that you don’t have the traction issue, so that you can that you can go up steep, steep hills,” Liebhold said, pointing out that cable car technology emerged in the coal industry in the second half of the 19th century. The Powell-Hyde and Powell-Mason lines use "single-ended" cars, which must be looped or turned around like a bus at the end of the line; the single-ended cable cars use manual non-powered turntables to rotate the car. [8] The system serves an area of the city that is already served by a large number of buses and trolleybuses. An icon of San Francisco, the cable car system forms part of the intermodal urban transport network operated by the San Francisco Municipal Railway. These cars are 30 feet 3 inches (9.2 m) long and 8 feet (2.4 m) wide and weigh 16,800 pounds (7,600 kg). Beside these single ride tickets, cable car rides are included in monthly Muni passes, as well as 1-day, 3-day, 7-day passes, and the CityPASS program. Some of these short retaining walls are visible along under the I-5 Bridge at South Jackson Street.