That is an integral part of prevention.”. Canada set a new record for most elected female MPs, but advocates expected more. “It is not easy on a job site to say No to an employer, that the work is not safe and that I am not going to do it. Were the Minister to allow pilot training to be reduced to have more planes in the sky, it would be nonsensical. This, however, is what he has done in the construction industry. The 25 women and 25 men, working people from various sectors of the economy, will represent the MLPC in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. The Liberals lost 27 seats on Monday night compared to their 2015 election results.

The Bloc resurgence saw the NDP lose 20 seats on Monday night and sink to fourth place. The party won 44 seats in the 2015 election, had 39 at dissolution and won only 24 on Monday evening, despite experience a mini-surge in popularity toward the end of the 2019 campaign. Elections Canada is reporting that 65.95 per cent of eligible Canadian voters cast a ballot, a 2.35 per cent drop from the 68.3 per cent turnout in 2015. Wilson-Raybould won the B.C. All workers on construction sites are at risk, including carpenters, labourers, electricians, all the trades, which is why we strongly support what the crane operators are doing. Leader Maxime Bernier, who walked out on the Conservatives to found the party, lost his longtime riding of Beauce, Que., to his Tory rival Richard Lehoux. By comparison, 240 men were elected to Parliament in the 2019 election, down from 250 in the 2015 election. Although we represent only five per cent of the workforce in Quebec, we account for 25 per cent of all work-related deaths each year. Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). These two investigations do not deplore the state of Canada’s democratic institutions and the fraud of holding elections between leaders and parties nobody trusts.


It all makes the message the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada is giving on point — which is that Canadians are quite capable of speaking in their own name and are doing so more and more. If you’re still catching up, here’s a breakdown of what went down and what the House of Commons will look like after Monday night, by the numbers (based on Elections Canada’s preliminary results): None of the federal political parties hit the 170-seat threshold of a majority government, which the Liberal Party scored when it stormed to power in 2015. “The construction industry is an industry that kills and injures workers. Their alleged concern is to understand why Canadians are prone to populism! Despite winning a plurality of the 338 seats in Parliament and securing minority status this time around, the Liberals lost the popular vote to the Conservatives. The party won a total of 157 seats, down from 184 in 2015 and the 177 the party held at dissolution in September of this year.

They lift very heavy loads. For their part, the Liberals secured 5,915,950 votes, or 33.1 per cent of the popular vote. Many races proved to be tight in ridings across the country and weren’t called until the wee hours.

Communist Party of Canada: Jacob Patterson Animal Protection Party of Canada: Lesley Thomas Global News is featuring the candidates for all parties running candidates in the upcoming 2019 … Meanwhile, the leaders of the parties which form the cartel party system are now running around the country each declaring they represent what Canadians stand for.

One thing is certain, we cannot let the monopolies decide everything, as is the case right now. Send your articles, photographs, reports, views and comments to

They are not alone. We formally request that Minister Jean Boulet maintain the vocational training program adopted in 1997 because it reduced the number of deaths per year involving cranes by 66 per cent. Finally, although the new People’s Party of Canada ran candidates in every riding across the country, the party failed to secure a single seat in the House of Commons. During the press conference glaziers, heavy machine operators and workers from other trades made it clear that all construction workers are behind the crane operators, and that the safety of workers and of the public comes first. Former Liberal cabinet minister and attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould was the sole Independent candidate elected on Monday night. He joined the Communist Party of Canada in 1962. READ MORE: This means doing more processing of the raw materials in the region instead of simply shipping them out with as little transformation as possible.

[1] Kabitsis ran for a seat on the Toronto City Council in 1980, calling for a reduction in the cost of the Toronto Transit Commission's Metropass, a shorter term of the Metro Toronto Chairman, and the recognition of day care as a right.

Communities will be better off and the people will have a more stable life. The party won 44 seats in the 2015 election, had 39 at dissolution and won only 24 on Monday evening, despite experience a mini-surge in popularity toward the end of the 2019 campaign. All of them decide “the issues” and then declare that we have a choice. The role the MLPC has given itself in this election is to encourage Canadians to speak in their own name and close their ears to the nonsense talk of those who call themselves leaders as well as the media and pundits. But who's getting sick and why? That number, however, doesn’t include electors who registered on election day.