Contributions are money, goods or services given to a political party, candidate or constituency association. A monetary contribution of up to $25 may be given in cash. Matching Gift Marketing Materials. Its portfolio of cloud-based and on-premise solutions meets customers’ growing needs from reporting and self-service visual analysis to guided, embedded and custom analytics, regardless of where data is located.

Here’s an example from The Virginia Public Access Project: This Virginia political contributions database is a great example of the general features you’ll find in similar resources. Let’s say you’re developing a prospect strategy for an organization that works to empower young women who study law and political science.

With this information, nonprofits can then reach out to businesses that employ major prospects, and together they can discuss elements of corporate giving, like: Always remember to apply your strategies for individual prospect development to corporations, since corporations with demonstrated histories of supporting political issues are much more likely to invest in similar nonprofit causes. Volunteer Grant Basics

Do you have any prospects that you’ve tried to approach unsuccessfully for years? Tracking and tabulating the small donations recorded by Elections Ontario, and repeating the process for every major donor across Ontario, would have been tedious and time consuming. The most egregious — illegal — example is funnelling, or conduit contributions, where companies have employees make donations under their own names and then reimburse them.

Enforcement of the rules that do exist for campaign financing is also inconsistent across the country. The bulk of the landlord group's donations went to PC and Liberal leadership candidates. If you already know that you need to target mainly local prospects, these niche political contribution databases should be your first step in the donor prospecting process since they let you completely focus your efforts. The eligible amount is the amount by which the fair market value of your monetary contribution exceeds any advantage you received or will receive for making it. Tax receipts issued for goods and services: © 2020 Elections Ontario. This exceptional content, reach and scope offers advertisers and marketers compelling solutions to effectively reach target audiences. For the right organization this information can be invaluable. The lobby group for insurance companies split its donations primarily between the Liberals ($152,325) and the PCs ($143,035).

Better records can help catch over-donations, the flow of money between jurisdictions and many other practices that, whatever their intentions, might be perceived as conflicts of interest. A quick search reveals the largest donors in the city, both individuals and other organizations, like the local shipbuilding consortium: This search allows you to easily identify those in your area who regularly donate to political causes and candidates, indicating a proven commitment to financially supporting those whose work they believe in. On the corporate side, the $266,640 total for GreenField Specialty Alcohols Inc. includes donations made in the name of GreenField Ethanol Inc., GreenField Hensall Inc. and GreenField Johnstown Inc. In 2016, SNC-Lavalin forfeited almost $118,000 in donations following an investigation by Elections Canada. Let’s say your organization is based in Newport News, Virginia. The ethanol producer and its subsidiaries gave more than 90 per cent of its donations to the Liberals ($249,350), making it the biggest corporate donor to the party and the Liberals' third-largest donor overall. At both the federal and provincial level, political parties are required to disclose who gives them money and how much. Ontario is the only province that applies an inflationary indexation increase to the allowable amounts for the political contribution tax credit. (416) 442-2936