All SSH can do is to run commands and move files. Calamari is the command-line tool invoked by Tentacle during a deployment. It knows how to extract and install NuGet packages, run the Deploy.ps1 etc.

A new variable was created (Octopus.Action.Azure.PackageExtractionPath). The problem is informally addressed here, and Octopus Deploy look at the scenario specifically in the section "Tentacle can't be installed (offline deployments).” This in fact is something Octopus Deploy had previously considered; see also here.

If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. You can fix this by creating a symlink: By default, an ASP.NET Core application will only serve requests to http://localhost:5000. The past few weeks I've been playing with Octopus Deploy, evaluating it as a possible replacement for our existing WiX/Powershell deployment process. Actually, things are not quite so straightforward. After adding the details (IP Address or DNS name, SSH port, and account), under the .NET section, ensure you select Mono not installed, and select linux-arm or linux-arm64 as the platform. It supports many commands, which are responsible for performing deployment-steps. Everything else - the config transform stuff, the IIS stuff - will be PowerShell scripts that Octopus will ensure exist on the Octopus server prior to deployments executing. But that said, here's how to do it ... Rather than fiddle with the existing import/export format, and thereby prevent you from using octo.exe with existing projects, we're just going to export a little bit more data than it currently exports. conventions, modify configuration files, and all the other things that happen during an deployment. First, open ProjectExport.cs. I have multiple Production environments, some of which are in Data centres, and some of which will not be willing to open up ports to support Octopus, nor prepared to permit the installation of any third party software (in this case, an Octopus tentacle). And, if you take a step back, this makes perfect sense: If you have a Production Octopus server, and you want to import a project exported from a Development Octopus server, you don't want to be overwriting the presumably bonafide Production VariableSet(s). To use your own Calamari package with an Octopus 3.0 server, run the following commands.

To add or modify features, a new version of the Tentacle service was required. Calamari is a pure Powershell "Octopus Workflow Runner" generator, that pulls in the JSON exported from our modified octo.exe, and exports a standalone Powershell file that will run that workflow in the context of a specified environment and server role. Octopus Deploy is the first platform to enable your developers, release managers, and operations folks to bring all automation into a single place. Statistics on Calamari. helps you find new open source packages, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.

where is the directory containing the Calamari. Data is available under CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.

Calamari is a console application with a number of commands, for example: The package is a NuGet package, and the variables JSON file looks like this: Now that Calamari is open source, it might help to answer any questions you had around what happens during a deployment on a Tentacle. Please enter a comment. One of the benefits of this architecture is that you can fork the project, make your own changes, and then tell your Octopus 3.0 server to use your own Calamari package.

The deployment target invokes Calamari to perform each deployment step. Octopus will automatically push the latest version of Calamari with your first deployment, but you can do the following to install Calamari: From the Infrastructure tab, select deployment targets. To allow the web host to serve requests to your local network, add the following after the .UseStartup() in Program.cs: For more information on configuring the Kestrel Web Host, check the docs. Make a suggestion. For example, did you ever wonder what order conventions run in? Pricing Octopus Deploy Blog; Product; Engineering; CI/CD and DevOps; Events and … Enter the port (port 22 by default) and click NEXT. where is the directory containing the Calamari. This will ensure when the service is installed it is looking at the latest version. that will allow me to deploy to Production environments in the same way I deploy to pre-Production environments. The packages and variables are pushed to the target, along with the latest version of Calamari (if it is not already present).

Now I know that Octopus generates a PSM1 module for Powershell scripts to be executed on a tentacle, so my immediate thought was that there was some kind of caching issue, and an "old" version of the script was getting executed, populated with stale parameters. Because that's what you get when you chop an Octopus' tentacle into little pieces. It will also allow to pick which versions of the packages you want to deploy, by default it will pick the latest version.