Masters Windu.Windu and the three other Jedi Masters arrive at Chancellor Palpatine's office. When Anakin expresses his interest in going at Palpatine's request, Mace Windu harshly tells him that the Council will decide who goes and not the Chancellor. Using Grievous's electrostaff, he manages to destabilize the speeder, and it goes into a spin. Yoda believes that a Master with more experience is needed to confront, and defeat, Grievous. As Windu holds Sidious at blade point, the Sith Lord unleashes a torrent of,Anakin is horrified by his actions, yet he knows now there is no turning back. He returns to the star skiff and leaves the planet with the unconscious Padmé and her droids.The Emperor arrives on Mustafar with a group of,The remains of Vader's limbs are retrofitted with,Obi-Wan arrives at Polis Massa with Padmé, who is given emergency medical treatment by the facility's droids. Obi-Wan then engages Vader in a lengthy,On Coruscant, Yoda battles Palpatine until their duel reaches a stalemate. The,As his children are born, Vader is being rebuilt at the,With Padmé's final breath, she maintains that there is still good in Anakin. For the third film released, see,2005 American epic space-opera film directed by George Lucas,Jones himself has never confirmed his participation. The wizened Jedi Master was on Kashyyyk when Order 66 launched, and it was only thanks to his still-swift reflexes and the help of Chewbacca and Tarfull that he survived. He asks for her loyalty to the Chancellor, then tells her that he will go to the,The Senate holds a special session where Palpatine tells them of the "plot of the Jedi to overthrow the Senate," but that it was foiled.

Padmé, realizing how much her husband has changed, backs away in horror and tearfully begs him to stop, insisting she still loves him.As she pleads, Obi-Wan steps out onto the star skiff's boarding ramp. The Jedi throw the Count off guard, by converting from basic attacks to more skilled tactics. Examples cited included Darth Vader's line to Obi-Wan Kenobi "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy," mirroring a quote Bush made after the September 11, 2001 attacks: "Either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists." Anakin arrives at the scene just as Windu disarms Sidious, both combatants balancing on the edge of the large window shattered during the duel. Vader howls "Nooo!" Amidst thunderous applause, he informs the Senate that the surviving Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. After learning she was pregnant, Anakin was plagued by a vision of Padme dying, and he swore he would do whatever necessary to keep her safe. Anakin still believes he'd be needed on Utapau, and while Obi-Wan agrees, he also notes it might just be a wild,On Coruscant, Anakin tells Palpatine that General Grievous has been found on Utapau.
The lava below Vader then catches his leg, setting him on fire, horribly burning and disfiguring him, with Obi-Wan unable to help him or kill him. This was his first (and only live action) film appearance, but he didn't get to enjoy the spotlight for long. Help us.Depending on a DVD remote's format, some may have to push 10+ before "11."
After escaping the Republic following the Battle of Coruscant, he was tracked to Utapau by Obi-Wan Kenobi, forcing him to break out those lightsaber skills Count Dooku taught him. Now Palpatine's rule is cemented, though in the years to come, resistance will rise up to overthrow him from the throne. At Target, Collectors would receive a collectors coin from the film, featuring Darth Vader on the "heads" side of the coin, and the Mustafar duel on the "tails" side of the coin. He angrily shouts that Vader has failed in his life and destiny, and has hurt all those who loved him, including Obi-Wan himself. As deadly lava falls all around them, they ride a collection arm severed from the main structure down the molten river below, which falls over a waterfall of lava.