When we talk about a season, we usually think of the four main weather or growing seasons.

[ Read: Facts About Rainforest For Kids ], [ Read: Facts About Seven Wonders Of The World For Kids ]. The diameter of the sun is 1.391016 million km. When there are no clouds in sight, the sun is able to shine through and keep the environment warm. Well, another astronomy fact comes to our rescue and helps us put things in perspective: About 1000 Earths would fit inside Jupiter – and the Sun could hold about 1000 Jupiters.
Although the Sun is the most apparent star in the sky and huge as it is, its significance goes beyond merely being a star. So Sun is our life-giver. There is so much more about the sun that we cannot cover in this one paragraph. All written posts on this blog are copyright to Sciensational.com. When you look up in the sky what do you see? The Corona can be seen on a dull day with overcast sky or during eclipses.

It weighs over 333,000 times more than our planet. And just as our Earth has its year when it finishes a revolution around the Sun, the Sun also has a year: a Cosmic Year. Nearest, however is a very relative term because the Sun is a whopping 93 million miles away from us. The core temperature of the Sun is about 15 million degrees Celsius. There are five types of weather: sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, and stormy. He worked to establish that the planets revolved around the Sun. It takes around 170,000 years to transmit the energy of the Sun from its core- to the second layer, the Radiative Zone, then to the third layer which is the ‘Convective Zone.’. It is the sole reason why life is possible on planet Earth. Other elements in the Sun are carbon, oxygen, neon, and iron. Welcome to our weather section we hope you enjoy the article and have fun learning.

Yup, consider the following fact: Every second, the Sun pumps more than a million tons of material into the space through the solar wind (electrically charged particles.). In fact Sciensational reader Demandude from Missouri, United States had this Astronomy fact for us: The sun is about 149 million kms (93 million miles) from earth, yet it’s 270,000 times closer than the next nearest star, which is 4.3 light years away. Privacy Policy. The Sun’s strong gravity holds all planets in their places. The ‘Radiative Zone’ surrounds the core and transports the energy generated by the core. What is it? Staring at the Sun directly without wearing protective glasses on a bright sunny day can damage the eye. (c.310-c.230 BC). In the mornings and evenings the weather is not hot. Please read our Disclaimer. Sunny days are not always warm. The Sun produces energy by a process called nuclear fusion in which the hydrogen nuclei combines into helium. How’s that for an idea of the cosmic magnitude, eh? How many times have you sang that little song when you want to play outside, but can’t because of the rain? The science of weather is called meteorology. The center of the Sun is called the ‘Core,’ that generates the energy of the Sun. A hurricane is a dangerous tropical storm with strong winds and lots of rain or high waves that are pushed ashore by the storm’s winds. During a full solar eclipse, the chromosphere can sometimes be seen as a thin, fine red line, and the corona encircling it. The core temperature of the Sun is about 15 million degrees Celsius. Dirt mixed with wind can make dust storms called black blizzards. Seven planets, other than the Earth, and five dwarf planets orbit the Sun. It’s computed after various considerations to be about 4.57 billion years. A tornado is a tube of spinning air that is touching the clouds and the ground at the same time. Lightning is a form of electricity. It happens when the negative and positive charges of electricity in clouds get together.