Its streak is diagnostic as green tinged black. (Love), Fuchsite – “Due to the flakiness of this mineral, it is recommended that an elixir is not prepared by the normal method.” (Love), Galena – Contains high levels of lead. Litharge – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Supplement Z165), Löllingite – “The arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.” (Supplement A 155), Magnetite – “Unfit (iron, will rust).” (Jentoft) This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. (Supplement), Bronchantite – Toxic or harmful stone. It is wrong to use sodalite elixirs as it contains toxic substance aluminum which can cause severe deformities when dissolved in water. Have you send it for a test? Lepidolite – “Contains aluminum.” (Hibiscus)

Boji Stone ® - “The stones...may disintegrate after discharging their energy to enhance the well-being and stability of the environment in which they were placed...beware that they may disappear.” (Love is in the Earth - Updated 162). “Toxic or harmful stone. (Love). May contain aluminum and zinc.” (Harton, Hibiscus, Healing).                “Contains aluminum.” (Healing Crystals).

          “Contains copper.” (Hibiscus) Contains aluminum.” (Harton) Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. Chalcopyrite (or copper pyrite), looks like, and is easily confused with Pyrite, FeS2. (Harton, Sullivan, Hibiscus).

This list has been compiled by Ashley Leavy. (Supplement).

Do not use in an elixir.

May contain aluminum or other harmful substances. Ruby – Toxic or harmful stone.            “Do not use…for internal use.

Chalcopyrite--AKA Peacock Ore contains copper and sulfur which can be toxic.             “Contains copper and arsenic.” (Hibiscus), Moldavite – “Toxic or harmful stone.

Presence of Copper Sulfide in chalcopyrite makes it unworthy for using in gem elixir or any water infusions. Hall, Judy. (Harton, Hibiscus, Healing)             Please also see Corundum. Morganite - Toxic or harmful stone. Lambert, Mary.

          “As an elixir it is an excellent energizer and protector of house plants; it can also be used in the garden or field situation to help relieve infestations. The exception is radioactive stones because radiation can be absorbed into water or the body even without direct contact.

Orthoclase - “Contains aluminum.” (Healing Crystals), Osarizawaite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Supplement Z 209), Pargasite - “Contains aluminum so it is not recommended for elixirs or immersing in water to charge it.” (Healing Crystals), Pearl – “Toxic or harmful stone. Jentoft, Peggy & Liz Gunther.

              Please also see Tourmaline. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Contains lead.” (Sullivan) Avoid contact with water.” (Simpson 55) To be safe, always wash hands thoroughly after handling and NEVER use internally.

Wheat Ridge, Colorado: 1995. Contains aluminum. Peridot of Ceylon - Please see Tourmaline. Toxic dust for inhalation…so if you must use opal for an elixir, etc., be sure to carefully clean off any opal dust.” (Harton) Boji Stone ® - Toxic or harmful stone. “Toxic or harmful stone.

Sylvite – “The solubility of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.” (Supplement A 279).                   “Contains lead and molybdenum.” (Hibiscus) Written By Liz Oakes. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.” (Healing Crystals), Dumontite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love is in the Earth - Updated 250), Eglestonite – “Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended.” (Love is in the Earth - Updated 256), Eilat Stone – “Toxic or harmful stone. Do not ingest.” (Healing Crystals), Cumengéite – Contains trace amounts of lead. Contains copper.” (Harton)

            “It is vitally important to make sure that the stone is not ingested. Sylvite – “The solubility of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.” (Supplement).