Often called the "Canaries of the … They are also known as white whales, melonheads, sea canaries, belugas, and canary whales. Read on to learn about the beluga whale. When you look at other species such as the great whales (from the baleen whale suborder) which can grow to enormous sizes it may appear that they are able to eat or swallow humans due to their massive size.In fact Beluga Whales generally hunt in one of two ways. The diet of a particular Beluga depends on where in the world it lives and the season. Pods tend to be unstable, meaning individuals tend to move from pod to pod. These social whales live in Artic and sub-Arctic oceans, and are adapted to life in frigid waters. All Belugas eat fish, but some will also eat small invertebrates like shrimp, snails, crabs, or octopi. They have a thick layer of insulating blubber, a large melon used for echolocation, and lack a dorsal fin. Radio tracking has even shown belugas can start out in one pod and within a few days be hundreds of miles away from that pod. Beluga Whales are One of the Most Vocal Types of Whales. Around 40 percent of the white whale’s body weight is blubber, which keeps them warm and stores energy, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administr…

These cetaceans are highly sociable and they regularly form small groups, or pods, that may contain between two and 25 individuals, with an average of 10 members. Beluga whales are large, white cetaceans that share a taxonomic family with narwhals. Beluga whale pods can be grouped into three categories, nurseries (which consist of mother an… How do Beluga Whales hunt? (907 to 1,361 kilograms), according to National Geographic. Adult males range from 13 to 20 feet (4 to 6.1 meters) in length and weigh 2,000 to 3,000 lbs. Beluga whales are among the smallest species of whales. Females are slightly smaller.