Starting today, you can tap ✨ to switch between the latest and top Tweets in your timeline. Top Tweets vs. Latest Tweets . Look for trends and topics that your brand can contribute to—or better yet, lead. It finds that the most active accounts on Twitter have,The less often you tweet, the more likely your account is to be the target of purges and unfollows. It gave Twitter users something to share in the heat of the moment.— Portrait of a Lady on Fire (@Portrait_Movie).Even if you tweet at peak times, chances are many followers may have missed your tweet. They can help simplify your social interaction across the platform as you’d no longer require clicking around. And it’s well known that tweets with photos, videos, and GIFs tend to get more attention.Celine's new album « Courage »  is out now! If you even adopt a fraction of these Twitter tips and tricks in your routine, you’ve upped your Twitter game as compared to the average user. Check. Brand new.Now you can follow specific topics to discover the Tweets you care about.Twitter members can also add up to five lists they can swipe between to switch up their timelines.

For example, you may want your username to match your e-mail address; if your e-mail address is, you may decide to use @doglover1980 as your Twitter name.If you choose to use only your last name as a username, you may find yourself without a first name in the eyes of other Twitterers.You can use your company or business name as your username, and you can fill in that business name in the Name text box on the Settings page for your account. In the Firebase console, open the Auth section. It adds up to a complex series of calculations based on what people have liked in the past, what people like them like, and more. We're here for you.Another thing you can ask for: Votes. But when you’re actually choosing a username, the @ isn’t part of it. In fact, there are many hidden features in Twitter which most users don’t even know about. It takes on the Wash Your Lyrics meme with theme songs from some of its popular shows. Tweets with videos? To enable this feature.Do note that Twitter will automatically change your timeline to an algorithm based timeline from time to time, so you will have to check the top of the app to see if it’s showing you “Latest Tweets” or not.Twitter has also made it easier to schedule tweets so that you don’t have to stay up at nights to tweet at the perfect time. It could be anything from a thematically on-brand survey, to a request for concrete feedback.The added benefit of a call-and-response strategy is that it provides you with tons of customer feedback. That being said, it’s easy to use interface should not be confused with lack of features. However, sometimes your tweets can get lost in a void if you don’t understand your audience and post when your followers may be inactive.To simplify this process, Twitter provides you actionable information about your tweets in the Analytics section. Twitter suggests these topics based on what it thinks someone likes. It would be crazy for Lay’s,French actress Adèle Haenel started the #MerciAdeleHaenel when she walked out of the Césars to protest the awarding of convicted sex offender Roman Polanski. Trending hashtag? Mention? If a phone number had been added to your Twitter account, then you can adjust the time duration for which the platform shouldn’t deliver you mobile notifications.As you all may understand, Twitter is an important part of our social ecosystem and we’re even using our accounts to access third-party apps. The most prominent example of the same can be a TV episode spoiler or the dark world of online harassment.To save you from such instances, Twitter provides tools to mute keywords, accounts as well as hashtags. Tweets are only 140 characters, so when people are replying to you, if you have a longer name, you leave them less room for message content. Don’t feel overwhelmed, though.

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms. We’re thinking about ways to do this! Just click on the three dots next to a profile’s follow button, select “,If you want to check up on the Twitter lists you’ve created or been added to, you can navigate to your profile page and click the,You can check your Twitter Analytics by tapping on your profile icon in the top navbar and selecting “,The homepage shows you how your tweets performed over the last 30 days whereas if you click on “,Once you’ve selected the photo, you’ll notice two icons at the bottom right of the photo itself, i.e,On opening the photo attached to a tweet, the stickers are highlighted and anyone can,Once you’ve typed in the username (or Twitter name), hit enter to send the request to add them to your account. To sign in users using Twitter accounts, you must first enable Twitter as a sign-in provider for your Firebase project: If you haven't already, add Firebase to your Android project. But if you do, be sure to include the names of anyone who handles the company Twitter account in the 160-character “Bio” text box on the Settings page for your Twitter profile.Your Twitter name has power and influence on search engine optimization (SEO), which translates to how close to the top of a search results list you appear in a search engine such as Yahoo! Coming soon to Android.Late last year, Topics started showing up in Twitter timelines, too.