Talk, Video and Screenshare Immediately #WorkFromAnywhere. In this glorious vision of what it means to be male and female, Theology of the Body provides a road map to the fulfillment, peace, hope and joy for which we are made.Jesus’ first words in the Gospel of John are: “What are you looking for?” We invite you to take this weekend to unite with thousands of men and women around the world who are looking for that peace and joy that Christ holds out for each of us. LOGIN TO PAST CONFERENCES. More than 70  speakers will offer Free, short, and impactful presentations for teens, young adults, singles, married couples, and parents. Register today to get a Premium Pass and have access to the talks after the conference … That crisis is of a sexual nature. The home of British American Tobacco (BAT) the world's most international tobacco group, operating in more countries than any other, its products, and the important issues and responsibilities surroun We are offering a discounted Premium Pass Option for those who want access to the conference after May 10th.We are living in a time of profound crisis in the Church. Fortify your home and rediscover the beauty and goodness of God’s plan for human love in your life.2019 marks the 40th year since Pope St John Paul II began presenting to us an in-depth biblical explanation illustrating the awesomeness of sexuality, marriage and celibacy for the Kingdom.This conference celebrates the TOB, helping us to have a better understanding and more importantly, how to apply it in our lives to heal and redeem the brokenness that has battered so many of us today,BRought to you by the Apostolate for Catholic Truth (ACT),Check it out at,Copyright © 2020 The Theology of the Body@SG — Ascension WordPress theme by,TOB Institute: Head & Heart Immersion Course.Although the in-person TOB I: Head & Heart Immersion Course experience is the optimal transformational encounter with TOB with the celebration of the Sacraments, daily prayer, and interactions with the instructor and your fellow students, we pray that this online course will give you a foundational encounter with the content of our in-person TOB I: Head & Heart Immersion Course.This online course introduces students to the key themes of the 129 Wednesday audience addresses that comprise John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.

From the first edition of the year 2002, 10 successful editions in 20 years! La période que nous vivons actuellement a bouleversé nos habitudes, qu'elles soient personnelles ou professionnelles, avec notamment des remises en question, des challenges à relever, plus de temps d'inactivité, de nouvelles contraintes à prendre en considération ... De nombreux défis à relever sont devant nous !Avec la collaboration gracieuse de ses experts, l’Institut Repère souhaite vous éclairer pour « préparer l’après » en vous proposant une série de conférences en ligne gratuites.Vous trouverez ci-dessous la présentation des conférences.Tenter d’éclairer la compréhension de la crise actuelle et anticiper les résiliences possibles est un vaste sujet car le point de vue systémique peut être très différent selon le système considéré (système libéral, Europe, état, société, entreprises, familles, individus...).Nous allons au cours de ce webinaire donner quelques éclairages possibles qui pourraient alimenter autant de possibilités de résiliences différentes selon les systèmes considérés et leurs combinaisons.Notre exposé s’articulera autour des 4 points suivants :Quelles sont les clés de succès de la reprise ?A l’aide des neurosciences et de l’approche en intelligence collective, Michaël Ameye se propose de mener avec vous une réflexion sur les enjeux humains de ce nouveau bouleversement.Comment redémarrer une dynamique d’équipe ?Comment vivre au travail dans un cadre de contraintes plus élevés que celui d’avant la crise sanitaire.Avec WellCap, nous avons élaboré, en partenariat avec le Pr Franck ZENASNI, chercheur en sciences psychosociales de l’université Paris V, un baromètre d’analyse de ces différents facteurs.
Theology of the Body Institute Presents. The conference …

Este congreso estará disponible en todo el mundo desde el viernes, 26 de junio, 2020, a las 12pm horario de Nueva York hasta el domingo, 28 de junio, 2020 a medianoche. By remaining on this site, we will assume that you're OK with it.If you would like to purchase a Premium Pass to access the content you can do so below.Theology of the Body Virtual Conference Premium Pass. TOB CONFERENCE. Theology of the Body Institute seeks to penetrate and permeate the culture with a vision of true sexuality that appeals to the deepest yearnings of the human heart for love and union. Invite your family and friends, and log in at any time during the weekend to start your conference!We've gathered some of the world's prominent evangelists to share their stories of how Theology of the Body has transformed their lives:We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. A magna cum laude graduate of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome with a Licentiate in Canon Law, he also holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Science degree. How can we tackle this scourge in our lives that has devastated so many individuals and relationships? Within the course of 9 editions we have promoted about 1000 publications. From the first edition of the year 2002, 10 successful editions in 20 years!Within the course of 9 editions we have promoted about 1000 publications.For a TOP conference a TOP location is needed!The conference is organized by Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli - Department of 1000 PUBLICATIONS.