Was it hard for you to make that transition or at that point it was just a natural progression?

Everyone has a side and everyone has to have a legitimate point. I mean, I work four or five years on every book and I know it’s because I don’t have an outline. Tayari Jones:  Oh, don’t ask me that question because I feel like it always hurts the writer’s feelings to be spoken about. But I just decided-- I try to tell a story the way I would tell it if I was just telling it to a friend and, if I was telling a friend, I wouldn’t hold back on that big detail that the father is a bigamist.

I know that I, for one, can recite the fairy tale of how my parents met—at an NAACP meeting in 1962—as if I had been right there, hiding in my mother's A-frame purse. It is beautiful.’”. The Platinum Award is Genpact’s…, Many of the techniques to limit age discrimination come down to fundamentally sound management practices relevant for all employees: set clear expectations for performance, deal with problems directly, communicate with workers frequently, and follow clear policies and procedures consistently. And she’s just trying to fit in at high school like everybody else. A Conversation with Tayari Jones is from the Algonquin Books Reader's Guide for Silver Sparrow. deciding instead to take my place” (40).

But usually the story is about a young man who is his father’s son, yet not his father’s heir. Tayari Jones:  Well, I teach graduate students so, if they don’t... Tayari Jones:  ...already know that, then they won’t be in graduate school. But no one ever asked, “What are you reading?

He believes that he had done everything in his power to be a righteous man. "Remarkably, as in Brady Udall's The Lonely Polygamist, the unconventional, morally troubling relationships at the core of Jones' Silver Sparrow illustrate nothing if not the universality of the human quest for acknowledgment, legitimacy, love and loyalty. When I was on NPR, I was stunned at how many callers from all over the country had silver sparrow stories to tell.

Chaurisse had effectively grown up in Laverne’s hair salon, where she was able to constantly listen to patrons discussing their romantic issues with her mother. Most people want to know how much of my real life is in the story.

They are forced to navigate through a world in which societal conventions and intense emotions inhibit their ability to thrive. I only had one issue with the novel that in no way detracts from the power and beauty of Silver Sparrow. Don’t look to the left.

I finished this novel.


The two women talk privately and openly about the bizarre family scenario, and quickly make a strong connection. I needed a voice from the other side of the wall. I mean, I think she is the finest writer of a generation and she’s also-- impresses with her trajectory. Chaurisse, who is suspicious of the oddity of the situation, rolls out of the car as James slowly starts to pull away. She thinks she’s just a kind of chubby girl who doesn’t have a boyfriend really. Silver Sparrow essays are academic essays for citation. I think the main thing that I have to work with with graduate students, particularly in this country, is about reading broadly.

Does Dana lie about her identity because of her love for Chaurisse.

Gwendolyn and Dana are not only aware of the arrangement, but, in Dana’s childhood, would periodically spy on Chaurisse on the playground of the neighboring elementary school. You know, we’re talking here about revision-- is that the 150 pages that I said I had to jettison. Spam Free: Your email is never shared with anyone; opt out any time.

When she first speaks, She is infuriated that James considers her inferior to Chaurisse, and begins to rebel in an attempt to receive his love and affection.

It's a mouthful, but I would rather say that than hurt him again. The link between my own personal obsession and this fictional story was inspired quite accidentally. Is it better to be sheltered and deceived but happy, or to be informed but damaged? It raised my stature in an important way, as opposed to when-- if I had gotten it very young, it would’ve been more of a boost and a push. help you understand the book. Pearl said to me, “What are you thinking?”  No one had ever asked me that and it changed the way I understood my own mind. Was it primarily a female phenomenon, or did you encounter male silver sparrows, too? I think the bigamy came in in that when you write fiction-- like in fiction classes, we're always saying "raise the stakes"-- and so the question of what kind of a responsibility do people have to their different children. More Information |

As Dana says, bigamy "happens all the time, and not just between religious fanatics, traveling salesmen, handsome sociopaths, and desperate women" (page 4). "An ordinary story that is irresistibly compelling. They keep tinkering. “Jones beautifully evokes Atlanta in the 1980s while creating gritty, imperfect characters whose pain lingers in the reader’s heart.” —Kirkus Reviews “Silver Sparrow brings to mind John Irving in the ways it makes an epic story out of ordinary lives. Set in a middle-class neighborhood in Atlanta in the 1980s, the novel revolves around James Witherspoon's two families - the public one and the secret one.

Both Gwendolyn and James disprove of Dana’s relationship with Marcus, but she continues to pursue him, even when he flagrantly gives gifts to another girl at Dana’s school. It’s about sl-- it’s hard to say. So you have to be responsible.

If that person was you, and you could make friends with a silver girl, she could teach you how to shine. Sometimes I wonder if my imagination just lives in Atlanta. You've been listening to Art Works produced at the National Endowment for the Arts. So I could understand Dana in her insider/outsider role. I think Silver Sparrow complicates the question a little bit. On the one hand, he is a loving father to Chaurisse, offering unconditional love. When stories are handed down, we feel that we have the authority to tell them. - Jessica Stockton Bagnulo, Greenlight Bookstore, Brooklyn, NY.