Do you think it is at least more plausible than the stomach acid route? God scolded Jonah for being concerned about a vine, but not about Nineveh, which had 120,000 lost people. [1] Hmm. Other possibilities have been suggested, like the Great White Shark — but whale, shark, or something else there’s an insuperable problem: once swallowed, “Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights” [Jonah 2:17], which raises the obvious question: how did he survive without oxygen which isn’t to be found in any fish’s or whale’s stomach. While modern skeptics may find it impossible that a man could survive inside a great fish for three days, Jesus compared himself to Jonah, showing that this. The story of Jonah and the whale is a Sunday School favorite. — fresh water and a buffet banquet as well. The pyloric stomach secretes enzymes that digest fat as well as alkaline chemicals to neutralize the stomach acid.

They speculate that the whale's stomach acid bleached Jonah's hair, skin, and clothing a ghostly white. A large whale has a blowhole about the size of a city manhole.

Not only was Nineveh known for its wickedness, but it was also the capital of the Assyrian empire, one of Israel's fiercest enemies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n the belly of the whale, Jonah repented and cried out to God in prayer. This website is an initiative of Network for Church Monitoring, a non-profit-making company limited by guarantee (No. A human isn’t the same as a small piece of potato you’ve cut into bite-size pieces – even for a whale – which means that whale may produce even more stomach acid to break down its food. Rub it into your skin in the morning and you can smell it all day. Church and State highlights the importance of secular government. Jonah found God's order unbearable. In the rumen, there tends to be no oxygen, as the microbes within that organ cannot live with oxygen present. [])), +((!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+[])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![])+(+!![])+(!+[]-(!![]))+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(+!![]))/+((!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+[])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![])+(!+[]-(!![]))+(!+[]+(!![])+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])-[])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!! Excerpt from When God Speaks for Himself: The Words of God You’ll NEVER Hear in Church or Sunday School, by Mark Tier and George Forrai (Inverse Books, 2016). Some wonder if there is enough air to survive in a whale’s stomach. Jonah was happy with the vine, but the next day God provided a worm that ate the vine, making it wither. As the whale’s throat muscles constricted in and out to help force you down, you’d also start to feel hydrochloric acid beginning to eat away at your skin. Surprisingly, the Ninevites believed Jonah's message and repented, wearing sackcloth and covering themselves in ashes. Jesus did not consider the book of Jonah to be a fable or myth. Do you think it is at least more plausible than the stomach acid route? This process is automatic. Please consider donating to Network for Church Monitoring! Or, more likely, drowning from gulping stomach acids (not a nice way to go). Reprinted with permission from Mark Tier. Is there some area of your life in which you are defying God, and rationalizing it? 7496571) registered in England.