*Please note that course completion would include passing of related assessment(s) or examination(s), (if any). The SFw for Tourism contains information on trends, career pathways, occupations, job roles, skills and competencies and training programmes. [PDF / Word]. Appended below are the minimum requirements to register for the WSQ TG Course.

Tourist Guides - NC/NAP (CRS-Q-0040930-TOU) – 102.75 hours - Handle Arrival and Departure of Visitors - Promote Singapore as a Tourist Destination & Apply Tourism Knowledge Read and learn on the go by accessing a library of hundreds of e-books covering a diverse range of topics. See those machines over there with the red cylinders?           Website: www.angliss.edu.sg, > Non-Renewable Temporary Occupation Licence (NRTOL), @2019 Government of Singapore. This course is co-organized with the Singapore Chinese Tourist Guide Association and is accredited by the Singapore Tourism Board. Courses provided by CPE-registered institutes with EduTrust (Certificate, Higher Certificate, Advanced Certificate, Diploma, Specialist Diploma, Degree, Masters) Cherie Anderson explains that tour guides should find stories around the sights or areas that they are showing. Well, the year's barely a quarter over, and based on the increased rate of retrenchment that's hit the island, it might be a good idea to use that SkillsFuture credit this year, and on something useful rather than a sushi-making class. Ltd) - Don't be that callous dude at the office with the low EQ. Aware of the importance of cyber security and data protection in daily/work applications. It does get easier though and eventually you learn to improvise and add in a few of … The SkillsFuture Study Awards encourage Singaporeans to develop and deepen specialist skills needed by future economic growth sectors or in areas of demand. Click here to download the Guide to Occupations and Skills for the Skills Framework for Tourism. Read on… This is the perfect time to study at home: The Tour Guide Course is 100% online and can be done in your own time from your own home. - Communication Across Cultural Contexts (Nanyang Technological University) - Singaporean workplaces are becoming increasingly international, and if you have trouble connecting with anyone outside your Singaporean circle of colleagues, learn how. Develop strategic HR policies and processes, Develop in-house workplace learning tools and platforms, Review strategic alignment between corporate vision and human capabilities, Line managers and leaders who develop and deploy performance support tools, Have attended the Skills Framework workshop or are familiar with the Skills Framework, Require additional support to better integrate applications of Skills Framework with human resources systems and processes.

One important part of narrating to people is to not overwhelm them with facts and figures. Conduct Tour (CRS-Q-0040929-TOU) – 108.5 … You have to be a good problem solver if you hope to be a good tour guide, and know how to deal with anything that comes your way quickly and effortlessly.

Today, visitors are more discerning and have higher expectations about what they would like to see, hear, and do during their travels. Jointly developed by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), Workforce Singapore (WSG), and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), together with industry associations, training providers, organisations and unions, the Skills Framework for Tourism provides useful information on: Training programmes for skills upgrading and mastery. Create Customer Experience (CRS-Q-0036457-TOU) – 22 hours 2. They are located above the beam in this shed which 2 miles long and actually the longest building in the world. The GSCs are employability/transferable skills and competencies. The kind of skills you can develop will depend on your technical background. Tourist guides bring the destination and stories to life for visitors, and provide warmth and the element of human touch. Here are some courses you might want to consider taking based on our top 5 skills to build in 2016.

T: 6334 1080/6325 0071            Website: www.tmis.edu.sg, T: 6637 9855 All information listed is provided by training providers.
Visit this link to access information about the CCS.

Ltd,) - Stop being forced to always rely on the guys in finance to explain what's going on. Please ensure that the course commencement date falls within the stipulated period of the respective application windows. An individual who personally provides any guiding services to a tourist for remuneration requires a tourist guide licence. The tours eventually get mundane and can become boring if you visit the same museum over and over again, but it is the people who change and make it interesting, and in turn you have to show them that you are just as interested as they are by the sights and attractions that you are showing them.