Chief electoral officer Anton Boegman announced Thursday that 61.3 per cent of voters had supported keeping first past the post, while 38.7 supported a switch to proportional representation. Tel : (000) 456-7890Email : [email protected]Address : NO 86 XX ROAD, XCITY, XCOUNTRY. See also. PHOTO, JOIN THE HEIGHTS It was held in conjunction with the BC Legislative Assembly election of 2005. To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations, first and last names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada's online communities (except in children and youth-oriented communities). 2015-07-30 10:09:35 Czy jeżeli uznałbyś referendum w Szkocji to uznajesz referendum na Krymie? electoral referendum until December 7 at the earliest (when the packages are due), but some recent statistics released by Elections BC might give us an indication on what we can expect.. Jesteś zainteresowany kupnem treści? Co więcej, mieszkańcy donosili mi także, że podpisy pod wnioskiem były fałszowane i to też nadaje się do sprawdzenia przez prokuratora. The rest of the districts would vote using a Single Transferable Vote (STV) system. , we can assume that regions that voted for either party in the 2017 provincial election would tend to lean that party’s preferred way in the referendum. The B.C. university as the reason for its opposition to the distribution of contraceptives on campus. spokeswoman, “We argued from day one that British Columbia was well served by our simple, stable and successful first-past-the-post electoral system, and we are elated that a majority of voters again agreed.”, — Bill Tieleman, No B.C. "We're proud of the positive information campaign we ran. Essentially, this means that you can vote for the party you like best  – even if you think that candidate’s chances of actually winning are slim to nil. Parksville-Qualicum – 39.97%; Liberal – 45.37%, Sannich North and the Islands – 35.92%; Green – 41.95%, Kamloops-South Thompson – 33.31%; Liberal – 56.56%, West Vancouver-Capilano – 33.24%; Liberal – 57.14%, Powell River-Sunshine Coast – 32.41%; NDP – 50.7%, Vancouver-Quilchena – 31.92%; Liberal – 55.96%, Boundary-Similkameen – 31.90%; Liberal – 42.8%, Surrey-Green Timbers – 14.18%; NDP – 58.19%, Vancouver-Kingsway – 20.63%; NDP – 60.07%, Richmond-Queensborough – 20.78%; Liberal – 41.74%. People have real and legitimate concerns with politics as usual, and it’s incumbent on those who have defended the status quo to work with all the citizens of B.C. “We are thrilled with the passing of the referendum,” the UGBC executive branch wrote in a statement to The Heights. Students voted to fill 20 out of the 21 open seats in the Undergraduate Government of Boston College Student Assembly and passed a non-binding referendum to create an accessible pathway to Upper Campus by a wide majority on Tuesday. And because the decision essentially pits supporters of the BC Liberal Party against those that tend to side with the BC NDP or the Green Party, we can assume that regions that voted for either party in the 2017 provincial election would tend to lean that party’s preferred way in the referendum. wcześniejszym uiszczeniu należności, zgodnie z cennikiem. To już nie pierwszy raz, gdy dziennikarze pojawiający na publicznych spotkaniach w gminie Wymiarki są rozliczani z tego co piszą. has another massively disproportionate election result, similar to 1996 or 2001, it's hard to imagine a scenario where a fourth referendum happens anytime soon. For the third time in 13 years, British Columbia voters have rejected electoral reform, with over 61 per cent casting ballots to stay with the first-past-the-post system. Daily Hive is a Canadian-born online news source, established in 2008, that creates compelling, hyperlocal content. While 2,032 students voted in favor of the pathway, 143 students voted against it. In Tuesday’s election, students only voted for their own class representative.